Can Dogs Eat Pork?

Have you ever wondered whether dogs are allowed to eat pork? You've probably noticed your dog sniffing pork with interest or maybe even trying to eat it. But is it really healthy for our dogs? In this guide, we answer this very question. So grab your furry friend and read on.

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Can Dogs Eat Pork?

The answer is: it depends. Cooked or roasted pork can be fine for dogs, as long as it doesn't have any added spices, sauces or onions. However, you should never give raw pork to your dog.

Why is raw pork bad for dogs?

But why is raw pork bad for dogs? The reason is that raw pork can contain the so-called Aujeszky's virus. This virus is harmless to humans but can be fatal to dogs. The Aujeszky's virus causes a disease also known as pseudowut, which can lead to severe neurological symptoms and eventually death in dogs.

Health benefits of cooked or roasted pork.

Cooked pork can be a good source of protein, which is important for muscle development and overall health of the dog. Also, pork contains vitamins and minerals that can be good for dogs.

Recipe ideas with boiled or roasted pork

So, if you want to give your dog pork, make sure it is well cooked or roasted and does not contain any harmful ingredients. In the Hundeo App you will find many great recipes for healthy dog dishes with meat. A balanced diet is also important for dogs, so pork should only be a part of the diet.


Dogs can eat cooked or roasted pork as long as it does not contain harmful ingredients. Raw pork should be avoided because of the Aujeszky virus. Cooked pork can be beneficial to your dog's health, but should only be a part of his diet. Be sure to provide a balanced diet.

Picture of Geprüft vom Tierarzt Emin Jasarevic
Veterinarian Emin Jasarevic

I am a veterinarian and writer on animal health topics. Animals are my passion, and it is my personal goal to create medically accurate articles and videos to educate pet owners as much as possible.

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