Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?

You've probably heard that some people feed raw eggs to their dogs. But is that really okay? In this guide, you'll learn whether dogs are allowed to eat raw eggs and what the advantages and disadvantages are. Curious now? Then read on!

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Are dogs allowed to eat raw eggs?

So, are dogs allowed to eat raw eggs? The answer is yes, dogs can eat raw eggs, but there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

Eggs have many health benefits for your dog. They contain many important nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals that are good for your dog's skin, coat and muscles.

But beware: too many raw eggs can also cause problems.

One reason why some people are concerned about feeding raw eggs to dogs is the risk of salmonella. Salmonella is a bacteria that can be found in raw eggs and can cause diarrhea and vomiting in both humans and dogs. But don't worry, dogs are usually better protected against salmonella than humans because they have a stronger digestive system. Nevertheless, you should make sure that the eggs are fresh and clean before you give them to your dog.

Sometimes giving your dog raw eggs can be very helpful in certain situations. For example, if he is sick and doesn't have much appetite, a raw egg can help because it is easy to eat and contains many important nutrients.

You can feed raw eggs to your dog in several ways. A simple recipe is to simply add the raw egg over the regular wet food and mix everything well.

Are dogs allowed to eat boiled eggs?

Yes, dogs are allowed to eat cooked eggs! Cooked eggs are even easier for dogs to digest than raw eggs and pose no risk of salmonella. Cooking also destroys the protein avidin, which is present in raw egg whites and can hinder the absorption of vitamin B7 (biotin).

Boiled eggs are a great addition to your dog's diet as they are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. You can use them as a treat or reward, or include them in your dog's diet as part of a balanced meal.

How many eggs should I feed per week?

The amount of eggs you can give your dog depends on his size, weight and activity. As a general guideline, we would recommend 1 egg a week.


Dogs are allowed to eat raw eggs, and there are many health benefits. However, you should be very careful that the eggs are fresh. One delicious egg a week will definitely make your dog very happy.

Picture of Geprüft vom Tierarzt Emin Jasarevic
Veterinarian Emin Jasarevic

I am a veterinarian and writer on animal health topics. Animals are my passion, and it is my personal goal to create medically accurate articles and videos to educate pet owners as much as possible.

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