Teeth change in puppies made easy (3 tips)

You want to know exactly how the change of teeth in a puppy happens and what to look out for? Then be sure to read our 3 tips. So you are on the safe side. In addition, we have for this article advice from the veterinarian Mag.med.vet. Emin Jasarevic for this article. So be curious.

Puppy bite inhibition
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Not only babies are born toothless. Many animals are born without teeth. Among them is also the dog.

A puppy is therefore born completely without teeth. Within the first 12 weeks, it then grows its milk teeth. As a rule, a dog has 28 milk teeth.

These begin to fall out again from the third month. The puppy gets its permanent teeth. These should be completely changed by the 6th month.

This means that your dog will have lost his 28 baby teeth by 6 months old through 42 Adult teeth replaced.

The 6th month is crucial!

Puppy chewing change of teeth

Above you could already learn that your faithful companion should have all his permanent teeth in his mouth by the 6th month. Unlike with us humans, there are no delays with regard to the change of teeth.

The change of teeth rarely causes problems. It usually takes place without any special help on your part.

However, it happens that the young dog has not lost all his milk teeth by the 6th month. It is also possible that these have not been replaced or even gaps remain.

Keeping an eye on...

Even though it's rare, you should keep an eye on your pelt's dentition because the baby teeth would need to be replaced by 6 months of age. 

Otherwise, it is possible that your protégé will have a permanent problem with his teeth. Orthodontic treatments are not as successful in dogs as they are in humans.

This problem can lead to some complications. He may have to deal with crooked teeth or other consequences for the rest of his life.

Therefore, it is recommended to observe the dentition and the change of teeth.

Are the milk teeth not completely replaced by 42 "adult teeth" by the 6th month? Then we recommend you to visit a veterinarian.

More problems

Similar to infants, puppies also suffer during the change of teeth. Diarrhea and Pain in the jaw area are completely normal. Also a increased temperature is symptom of the change of teeth. 

Due to the pain in the jaw area, your little darling probably has not more really want to eat his food. This is also quite normal. 

But please observe your pet closely in these situations: Does the fever persist or does the diarrhea not go away for several days? Then it is always better to go to the vet once more.

Tooth change made easy

IBD dog

Of course, you can also actively support your little darling during the change of teeth. We have compiled various options and methods that are suitable for this.

The German market offers various products to facilitate the change of teeth. These products are specially made for the change of teeth. 

The most popular items of this type are Chewables or Chew toys. You should look at Natural basis be manufactured. It should also be on unnecessary added sugar or similar be dispensed with. 

Make something yourself...

Even you yourself can make something for your darling. Cold yogurt or cold soft cheese (especially cottage cheese) is excellent for the change of teeth in dogs. 

These foods are healthy for your charge and cool his teeth. 

You can also freeze the yogurt and then give it to your cat. Note, however, that it is not too much. 

Otherwise, your four-legged friend could catch a cold unnecessarily. Consider this alternative on warm summer days.

Do without these things

You can make it easier for your pet to change teeth. However, you can also make the change of teeth more difficult by taking the wrong measures. Even if this is usually unintentional. 

To make sure this doesn't happen to you, you'll find the no-goes in the following section:

No distortion games

Tug-of-war games are not suitable for your dog during the teething phase. During the teething period, your puppy will be in a lot of pain. 

➡ This pain can increase when tugging.

It can also happen that the milk teeth of your puppy are torn out. This in turn complicates the change of teeth. It reduces the success of healthy dentition in adulthood.

No hard treats

Hard food additives (treats or bones) can also have a counterproductive effect on the change of teeth. The negative effect is similar to the effect with the tugging games. 

The teeth are very sensitive during this time. Your dog may be in a lot of pain. Therefore, it is possible that he gets more pain from this kind of treats.

Do not lose patience

The time of the change of teeth is difficult for your little darling. It's not just the physical symptoms that will get to him. 

His psyche also suffers from the change of teeth. Pain, fever or diarrhea can stress your little one. 

Therefore, it is recommended that you show a lot of patience, especially during this time.

Give your pet regular snuggles and cuddles. Do not stress him during walks and do not force him to eat unnecessarily.

Remember this:

  • Your dog's milk teeth have 28 milk teeth
  • In adulthood, the milk teeth are replaced with 42 teeth
  • Incorrect change of teeth can have serious consequences
  • The methods of orthodontics in veterinary medicine are limited
  • Actively support your dog during the change of teeth
  • Regular control on your part supports the change of teeth
  • Contact veterinarian in case of unusual developments
  • Get your dog used to mouth checks before the teeth change and Dental care

Frequently Asked Questions

A dog's primary dentition has 28 baby teeth, which are replaced with 42 permanent teeth in adulthood.

From the 16th week of life begins the change of teeth in your puppy. This lasts until the 6th month of life. After that, the change of teeth should be completed.

Provide your puppy with enough chews. However, they should not be too hard, otherwise they can irritate his teeth, which are sensitive during teething. You should also refrain from playing tug-of-war.

Which tooth comes when?

You can find out which tooth erupts in which month of life in this graphic.

Zahnwechsel beim Welpen EN

Veterinarian’s Recommendation

The phase of changing teeth in puppies is not much different from humans. It itches, hurts and sometimes leads to fever or Diarrhea.

The good news is that this is quite normal. That's why have lots of patience and cuddles in store. This is what your puppy will need the most.

Then, if you do the routine checks listed, you'll skip the phase more easily.

And should any abnormalities be observed, contact your Vet. Once too much is better than once too late.

Picture of Geprüft vom Tierarzt Mag.med.vet. Emin Jasarevic
Veterinarian Mag.med.vet. Emin Jasarevic

I am a veterinarian and writer on animal health topics. Animals are my passion, and it is my personal goal to create medically accurate articles and videos to educate pet owners as much as possible.

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