Dog smacks all the time? (5 reasons & tips to help)

Your dog smacks, swallows or licks constantly? Then you are in the right place. I explain all the symptoms, causes and what exactly you can do about it. In addition, for this article we have obtained advice from the veterinarian Emin Jasarevic.

Table of Contents

Smacking in dogs can have positive as well as negative reasons.

1. positive smack

Dalmatian lick

You're in the kitchen and he knows: "Master or mistress is preparing my food right now." No sooner is the thought there than his salivary gland starts working. He prepares himself. That's how we feel from time to time, too, and our mouths water.

Or just before falling asleep. Your darling lies down and tries to relax. He licks and smacks his lips until he falls asleep.

During relaxation phases

Although not as pronounced as in quadrupeds, even babies and toddlers do this. Even at an advanced age, it happens that we unconsciously move our tongue in our mouth shortly before falling asleep. As if we were letting something melt in our mouth.

This behavior is thought to be part of the relaxation phase. In the same way, this smacking can be something positive in your faithful companion.

RememberAs long as this behavior does not last long, depending on the situation, you do not have to worry. Everything is fine. If not, there could be other causes behind it.

2. leftovers in the mouth?


It may well happen that Food remains between the tooth spaces tangled, such as pieces of a tasty chew bone.

It is best to gently open the mouth of your pet and check the interdental spaces, mouth and throat area. If anything remains, you can easily remove it.

3. diseases of the mouth and throat

Dog mouth throat teeth

A dental problem and/or an infection in the mouth or throat may also be responsible for the frequent licking or smacking, such as:

  • Gum inflammation (e.g.: due to tartar).
  • Tooth root abscess
  • Tooth fractures
  • Tonsillitis or sore throat
  • Infections on the tongue

Normally, the gums have a mild rosy color, which is a sign of good blood circulation. If this is not the case, gingivitis may be the reason for his behavior. In this case, you should consult your veterinarian.

A good Dental care will help you reduce the risk of tooth and gum problems.

If the gums of your furry nose are dry and pale, among other things, a Anaemia (anemia) be the cause.

4. gastrointestinal diseases, heartburn, gastritis, gastric distention.


A disease in the gastrointestinal tract such as infections, heartburn, gastritis, gastric torsion and many others can be the cause of licking and smacking. In the process, there are other accompanying symptoms:

  • Flatulence
  • Vomiting (sometimes bloody)
  • Diarrhea (sometimes bloody)
  • Intestinal sluggishness
  • Drink less water
  • Frequent grass eating
  • Abdominal pain

If you observe these symptoms, do not hesitate and make an appointment with your veterinarian immediately. Describe the situation to him very precisely. This will allow him to assess the acute condition of your dog and take immediate action.

If the licking is mild heartburn or gastrointestinal distress, you can reach into your medicine cabinet to alleviate the discomfort. Whether it's mild or severe, it's still important to see a vet.

For further relief you can Healing earth use. Among other things, healing clay is able to bind the excess gastric acid in the stomach. Thus, the natural base-acid balance can be stabilized again. However, healing clay only binds excess acid.

Important: By nature, over- or under-acidification of the stomach or a problem in the gastrointestinal tract is not intended. There is always a reason for this. The administration of healing clay can not cure the causes, but only relieve the symptoms!


5. metabolic diseases

A serious disease rarely occurs overnight. Metabolic diseases also frequently make themselves felt in advance. 

Is your pet smacking and salivating a lot, drinking more water, eating more and yet constantly losing weight? Then you should not hesitate long and go to the vet. 

Usually, a disease is also expressed by the fact that your quadruped loses energy significantly, becomes dull and flabby. Talk to your veterinarian directly if you suspect a metabolic disease. In this way, almost every early detected disease can be treated well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of the time, the reason for your dog's smacking is a simple habit or he still has food leftovers stuck between his teeth. If the smacking gets out of hand, you should clarify the cause with your vet, as it can also hide a serious illness.

First you need to find out the cause of the smacking. If it is due to food remains in the mouth, you can simply remove them. If your dog has become accustomed to this behavior, you can train him to stop. If the reason is an illness, you must have it treated by a vet.

You will need a dog toothbrush and special toothpaste. Get your dog used to brushing his teeth slowly, without pressure and from an early age. You can find detailed step-by-step instructions in our article.

Veterinarian’s Recommendation

It does not always have to be a serious illness behind it if your protégé smacks, swallows and licks a lot. 

It is important that you observe your darling carefully and recognize the smallest changes immediately. The accompanying symptoms are also important.

Smacking and licking can be a HabitThis can be a quirk. This is the case when your quadruped always shows the behavior in the same situations. 

Examples include smacking your lips when you fall asleep or excessive salivation when your pet is sitting begging in front of the dinner table. 

In both cases there is no danger, it is a behavior of your quadruped that you can train off if necessary. 

In case of acute and/or indispensable licking and salivation, you should take the matter more seriously. As long as there is food residue or the like stuck in the mouth and throat (such as in the interdental spaces), you can usually remove it yourself.

In all other cases, I advise you to contact your veterinarian immediately to determine the specific causes.

Picture of Geprüft vom Tierarzt Emin Jasarevic
Veterinarian Emin Jasarevic

I am a veterinarian and writer on animal health topics. Animals are my passion, and it is my personal goal to create medically accurate articles and videos to educate pet owners as much as possible.

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