Why Is My Dog Peeing in the House? (These 5 Tips Will Help You)

Your dog still pees in the apartment? Housetraining can be a challenge. But in this article, we'll introduce you to five successful strategies for getting your dog housebroken. We'll go over possible causes and give you valuable tips. Let's work together to keep your pet housebroken.

Getting puppy house trained
Table of Contents

Possible causes

If your dog pees in the apartment, although he was just outside, it can have several reasons. It is important to observe the behavior closely and find out the cause in order to react appropriately. Some problems can be solved quickly, others require patience and work. But don't worry, most of the time the problem can be solved together. Here are some possible causes and possible solutions:


Illnesses can cause your dog to become unclean. If he has been unclean lately, it may be due to a bladder infection, kidney problems or diabetes. Symptoms may include increased urination, painful urination, blood in the urine, strong urine odor, malaise, fatigue or fever. In case of suspicion immediately to the vet!

1. rule out medical causes:

  • Cystitis: A bladder infection can cause your dog to urinate more frequently. If you suspect this, you should see a vet immediately.
  • Age-related incontinence: Older dogs may have problems with bladder control.
  • Other health problems: Diabetes, kidney problems or hormonal disorders can also be the cause. These diseases can lead to increased urination.


Maybe your dog never learned to be housebroken. But with a little patience, you can catch up with older dogs. The basic rules are the same as for puppies, but it may take longer.

2. training problems:

  • Insufficient housetraining: If the dog has never learned to do his business outside, this can lead to problems.
  • Too little run: A dog that is not allowed outdoors often enough cannot empty its bladder in time.


Some dogs also mark their territory in the apartment. This is a natural behavior, but can be triggered by changes in the household. Show your dog the boundaries if he starts marking in the apartment. Fear can also cause him to urinate in the apartment.

To find out the cause, ask yourself questions like: Since when has my dog been unclean and can I relate this to a specific situation? Has he been under stress? Has he experienced trauma? Is he afraid of certain people or am I too stressed myself? With these questions you can get to the bottom of the problem.

3. to investigate the causes of the behavior:

  • Stress and anxiety: Changes in the environment, new surroundings, loud noises, or changes in the dog's household or daily routine can cause stress.
  • Marking behavior: Some dogs mark their territory, especially when they feel unsafe. Especially unneutered males like to mark their territory.
  • Attention seeking: Some dogs pee in the apartment to get attention.

Solution approaches:

  • Determine cause: If your dog pees indoors even though he's been outside, consider possible reasons. Stress, fear or health problems such as a bladder infection can be the cause.
  • Vet visit: If a medical problem is suspected, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately.
  • Training and routine: Regular walks and rewards for good behavior can help improve housetraining. Schedule fixed times for walks and make sure your dog has plenty of opportunity to urinate outside.
  • Reward: Reward your dog when he urinates outside to encourage positive behavior.
  • No punishment: Don't punish your dog for peeing in the home, as this can make the problem worse.
  • Stress Reduction: Find out what is causing the stress and try to minimize or eliminate the triggers.
  • Cleanliness and hygiene: Clean the accident site immediately and thoroughly to remove the scent mark. This will prevent the dog from marking the same spot again.
  • Use training aids: There are several tools such as puppy pads and cleaners that can assist with housetraining.
  • Fixed feeding times: Feed your dog regularly at set times to regulate bowel movements. Limit the food and do not let your dog eat all day.

If your dog pees in the bed, you should deny him access to the bed until the problem is solved. Immediately clean all affected areas with an enzyme cleaner to eliminate the odor. Prevent your dog from picking up the scent and marking the same spot again.

Make sure your dog has his own comfortable place to sleep. Find out if stress or anxiety is the cause and work to eliminate the triggers. Use calming measures such as pheromone plugs, soft music or more time with the dog.

Scolding is a no-go!

It is understandable that you are sometimes frustrated when your dog is once again unclean in the apartment. But remember: scolding or even violence are absolutely not okay!

Just like us humans, animals should never be subjected to mental or physical violence.

Train house cleanliness

Puppy housebroken

5-Step Guide to Housetraining

Whether your dog is a puppy or has never been properly housebroken has become, the training is the same. With older dogs, you may need a little more patience. It's important to know that puppies usually don't gain full control of their bladder and bowel function until they are about 16 weeks old. Therefore, patience and realistic expectations are especially important. The following steps should be followed:

Step 1: Start immediately

If you have determined that your dog's uncleanliness is due to lack of training, you should start training immediately. Even puppies can start early. Ideally, training should begin as soon as the puppy moves in with you.

Step 2: Recognize signs

Your dog is likely to urinate at certain times or under certain circumstances. Pay attention to when your dog urinates in the home. Often this happens after waking up or after eating. Sniffing or running in circles can be signs.

  • Recognize signs: Learn to recognize the signs that indicate the dog needs something (sniffing, circling, restlessness).
  • Supervise your dog: Do not leave the dog unattended until he is housebroken.

Step 3: Use walk

If you have noticed that your dog urinates at certain times, use these times for walks. This way you can get your dog used to urinating outdoors instead of indoors. This will require some patience at first, but it will pay off. And remember: scolding is counterproductive. Stay calm and consistent.

  • Frequency: Especially with puppies walk every 2-3 hours. Go out with the dog again just before bedtime.
  • Routine: Keep fixed times for walks so that the dog can get used to them.
  • After meals: Take the dog outside right after meals.

Step 4: Reward

If you use the critical times for walks, you are ready for the next step: reward your dog when he does his business outside. You can reward him with treats or praise. Do this after each successful business for a few weeks. Keep rewarding your dog until he stops peeing inside.

  • Praise and treats: Reward your dog immediately when he does his business outside.
  • Positively reinforce: Show your joy clearly so the dog associates the positive behavior with it.

Step 5: Resistance

It may happen that your dog occasionally pees in the apartment. These are minor setbacks that you shouldn't let discourage you. And again, scolding is not the answer. When the "peeing accidents" stop, you can begin to gradually reduce the rewards. You should take several weeks for this process and still give your dog an occasional reward.

  • Be patient: Especially with puppies, it can take some time before they become housebroken.
  • Be Consistent: Adhere to rules and routines consistently to promote learning success.

More tips: Clean accidents immediately with an enzymatic cleaner to remove odors. Feed your dog at set times to regulate bowel movements and don't let your dog eat all day. Take your dog out again just before bedtime. Also, limit access to water in the evening to prevent nighttime accidents.

Dog pees a lot

Dog pees

If you notice that your dog is peeing an unusual amount, it could be due to a variety of reasons, from behavioral issues to health problems. 

Have your dog examined by a veterinarian to rule out possible medical causes such as diabetes, kidney problems or urinary tract infections. Urine and blood tests can help find the cause of frequent urination.

Pay attention to how much water and food your dog is eating. Monitor changes and check for changes in eating or drinking. Provide more opportunities for your dog to exercise outdoors. Observe if the dog actually urinates every time he is outside.

Watch for other behavior changes or signs of stress, anxiety, or discomfort.
Analyze the environment and check if there are any changes in the surroundings or in your dog's daily routine that could cause stress.

Provide a calm, stable environment and avoid stressors. Offer your dog security and calm to reduce possible anxiety. Monitor your dog's weight to detect unexplained weight loss. Watch for signs of weakness, lethargy or other symptoms.

If your dog urinates frequently, you should monitor him carefully and your dog should be examined to determine the cause. A veterinary examination is essential to rule out or treat health problems. With the right measures and care, the problem can be solved in most cases.

If your dog drinks and urinates a lot

If your dog is drinking and urinating a lot, it may indicate various health problems. It's important to keep a close eye on your dog's behavior and have him examined by a veterinarian if necessary. Here are some steps you can take:

#1. Monitor water absorption:

  • Document quantities: Note how much water your dog drinks daily. As a rule of thumb, a dog should drink about 50-60 ml of water per kg of body weight per day.
  • Observe changes: Pay attention to whether your dog's drinking behavior changes suddenly or gradually.

#2. Veterinary examination

  • Early consultation: If there is a marked increase in water intake and urine production, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately.
  • Blood and urine samples: The veterinarian will likely take blood and urine samples to diagnose possible causes.

#3. Possible diagnoses

  • Diabetes mellitus: A condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin or does not respond properly to it.
  • Kidney problems: Kidney disease can cause the dog to drink more water and urinate more frequently.
  • Liver disease: Problems with the liver can also lead to increased thirst and urination.
  • Cushing's syndrome: A hormone imbalance that causes increased thirst, hunger and urination.
  • Medication: Certain medications may cause increased thirst and urination.

#4. Other observations

  • Behavioral changes: Monitor for any other behavioral changes or physical symptoms.
  • Weight and appetite: Monitor your dog's weight and appetite for unusual fluctuations.

#5. Treatment and management

  • Drug treatment: Depending on the diagnosis, the veterinarian may suggest drug treatment.
  • Adjustment of the diet: Some diseases may require an adjustment of the diet.
  • More frequent walks: Allow your dog to exercise outdoors more often.

If your dog is drinking and urinating a lot, he should be carefully monitored and examined by a veterinarian so that the underlying cause can be identified and treated appropriately. With early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, most conditions can be treated well and the dog can live a healthy and happy life.

When dog marks in the apartment

However, if your dog marks in the home, it can be problematic. Dogs mark to mark their territory and to communicate with other dogs. Before you try to change your dog's behavior, make sure there are no medical problems that could be causing the marking. A visit to the veterinarian can clarify this.

If your dog has not been previously spayed or neutered, this procedure can help reduce marking. This is especially true for male dogs, but can also help with female dogs. Thoroughly clean the marked areas with an enzymatic cleaner to ensure no scent marks remain. This can help reduce the urge to mark again.

Teach your dog to urinate on command and praise him when he marks outside. If you notice your dog wants to mark indoors, distract him and take him outside. Restrict access to marked areas and don't leave your dog unattended in the apartment.

Maintain routines: Changes in daily routines can trigger stress. Try to maintain routines and habits. Provide your dog with enough attention, play and activity to prevent boredom and frustration.

And why dog pees in a strange apartment?

If your dog pees in someone else's home, it could be for a number of reasons. It is important to understand that dogs react differently to new environments and there are several factors that can influence this behavior:

Some dogs mark in a new environment to assert their territory. The smell of other animals can trigger marking, especially in males that have not been neutered. Unfamiliar places can cause stress and insecurity in dogs. A fearful or insecure dog may urinate in the home.

Excitement can trigger urination in some dogs. Some dogs urinate when they are submissive. Health problems such as urinary tract infections can affect urination. Some dogs suffer from incontinence, primarily as they age. A dog that is not properly housebroken may urinate indoors. Too few trips to the toilet can lead to accidents.

How often does dog need to go out and pee?

Puppy on meadow

The frequency with which a dog does its business depends on its age, health, drinking habits and type of food. Here are some general guidelines:

How to Stop Puppies

Every 1-2 hours: Puppies have small bladders and need to pee more often, especially after playing, eating and drinking and right after waking up. Night: Puppies may also need to go outside at night, at least until they are a few months old.

Adult dogs

Every 1-2 hours: Most adult dogs need to pee about every 5-8 hours. This is usually 3-5 times a day, including morning, noon, afternoon/evening and before bed. Night: Healthy adult dogs can usually go all night without having to pee.

Older dogs

More frequent: Older dogs may need to pee more frequently due to age-related health issues such as kidney problems or incontinence. Night: Older dogs may also need to go outside more often at night.

Drinking habits and diet

Water absorption: Dogs that drink a lot also need to pee more often. Water intake can be influenced by food, temperature or health problems. Type of feed: Dogs that eat primarily wet food absorb more water and may need to pee more often than dogs fed dry food.

Health problems

Increased frequency: If a dog suddenly has to pee much more frequently, this may be a sign of health problems such as urinary tract infections, bladder stones or diabetes. In this case, a veterinarian should be consulted.

It is important to observe and recognize your dog's individual needs. If there are any changes in peeing behavior or signs of discomfort, you should consult a veterinarian to rule out possible health problems.

Dog pees in the apartment at night

There are several reasons why your dog pees in the apartment at night. Here are some of the most common causes and suggested solutions:

1. health problems

Cystitis: Urinary tract infections can cause dogs to be unable to hold their urine for long periods of time.
Age: Older dogs may suffer from incontinence and therefore have difficulty holding their urine overnight.
Diseases: Diabetes, kidney problems, or other medical conditions can cause frequent urination.

Solution: If there are any signs of health problems, your dog should be examined by a veterinarian immediately.

2. feeding and drinking habits:

Late drinking: If your dog drinks a lot just before bedtime, he may need to go out at night.
Type of feed: Wet food leads to increased water intake compared to dry food.

Solution: Monitor and regulate your dog's drinking habits, especially in the evening.

3. insufficient walks:

Rare walk: If your dog is not walked in the evening, he may have trouble sleeping through the night.

Solution: Before going to bed, walk your dog again to empty his bladder.

4. behavioral problems:

Anxiety and stress: Some dogs may urinate in the home out of fear or stress.
Changes: Changes in the household or environment can cause stress.

Solution: Identify the stressors and work to create a safer, stress-free environment for your dog.

5. housetraining:

Training: Some dogs, mainly puppies, may not be fully housebroken yet.

Solution: Continued training and positive reinforcement can help improve housetraining.

What are the home remedies for the dog for cystitis?

Before you try to treat a bladder infection in your dog with home remedies, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Bladder infections can have various causes, some of which require special medical treatment. Here are some home remedies and general tips that can be supportive, but do not replace veterinary treatment:

  • Water supply: Make sure your dog always has access to fresh water. Drinking plenty of water can help flush bacteria from the bladder.
  • Empty bladder: Walk your dog more often so he can empty his bladder regularly. This can reduce the growth of bacteria.
  • Healthy eating: A balanced and healthy diet supports your dog's immune system and can help fight infections.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a known antioxidant and can support the immune system. However, before giving your dog vitamin C, you should discuss the dosage with your veterinarian.
  • Cranberry juice: Some studies suggest that cranberry juice may help prevent urinary tract infections by reducing the adhesion of bacteria to the bladder wall. Again, caution is advised and it should be checked with your veterinarian to see if this is suitable for your dog and in what quantity.
  • Heat supply: A warm blanket or pillow can relieve pain and discomfort.
  • Consulting: Some pet owners resort to homeopathic remedies or herbal medicines. However, it is important to seek advice from a professional to ensure that the remedies are safe and effective.

Home remedies can be used as a supportive measure in the treatment of cystitis, but do not replace a visit to the vet. The vet can make an exact diagnosis and recommend a suitable therapy. Therefore, if a bladder infection is suspected, a veterinarian should always be consulted.

Frequently Asked Questions

The most important thing is to first find out the reason for the uncleanliness. If it is a medical cause like a bladder infection, the vet can treat it. If your dog needs to be educated, you can read our full article to learn the best way to do that.

Either your dog has not yet received housetraining education or cannot hold his urination due to health reasons. Some dogs also tend to mark the apartment because of their character or dominance behavior. 

From four months of age, dogs can learn to control their urination. Some dogs become housebroken on their own, but most need to be trained to do so. This education can take a few weeks to months.

If a housebroken dog becomes unclean again, that have a health reason like a bladder infection. It can also be due to stress or a change in living situation. Visiting other dogs can also trigger marking behavior.

Since puppies can't control their urination for that long, you should walk him every two to three hours. It's best to match the walks to the times when he usually does his business at home.


Housetraining dogs can be challenging, but it is an essential part of dog training. The causes of problems in this area can be many, including health factors, individual traits of the animal, and various aspects of training.

It is important to understand that many of these factors can be actively addressed and improved by you as the owner. Through a patient and consistent approach, without resorting to aggressive methods such as loud voices or physical force, it is possible to successfully teach your dog to be housetrained.

However, if health causes are suspected, it is imperative to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Ultimately, loving and respectful interaction with your dog should always come first. Because only in a trusting relationship can an effective education succeed.

Notice: This article is for general information and does not replace the advice of a veterinarian. If your dog has health problems, you should always consult a veterinarian.

So always keep in mind: Patience, time and love are the keys to success in housebreaking your dog.

Picture of Verfasst von Anja Boecker
Written by Anja Boecker

My name is Anja Boecker, and I am a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant. With these articles, I want to help you to understand your dog better and to build an inseparable bond.

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  1. Thomas Schauer

    We have a mongrel (French Mastiff Border Collie), he has been with us for 3 days and is about 10 weeks old. On the first day the dog did not dare to come to us, even walking with the leash proved to be very difficult as he resisted it. Today on the 3rd day he came to me for the first time and licked my hand 🙂
    Also walking with the leash goes much better now.
    Unfortunately or understandable way he makes pippi in our apartment, we have no carpet from therefore everything not so bad. Of course, we also want to teach him to be "clean".
    My question, how do we do this now ? We go out every 3 - 4 hours with him, he also does his business. Should we give him now always a treat when he has done his business ?
    And what is the best way to teach him commands like "stop" "sit" or "no" ?
    It would be very nice if you could help us a little here.

    Sincerely Thomas Schauer

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Hello Thomas, thank you very much for your contribution. The initial behavior of your mixed breed is completely normal. He needs some time to get used to the new circumstances and to find trust. The licking on the hand is already a good sign in the right direction 🙂
      The following article might help you with housetraining:
      Housebreaking puppies (fast and safe)
      To educate your puppy, the following articles might be informative:
      How to raise a puppy properly (puppy school useful?)
      Impulse control in dogs
      Dog training: the best tips and exercises 2019

  2. Hello
    I have two Westies, one Male and one Female. No problems with him but with her. I take both of them to work . Walk both early, midday and evening. I am not always in my place in the office. No problems with urinating. As soon as I get home and I leave them both alone in the apartment they pee all over my couch. It is a very expensive leather couch. I have tried covering it with towels and blankets (can be washed) but she scratches everything together and scratches the leather. I have now bought diapers for her. No problem is accepted but she continues to go on the couch and scratch everything. I am at the end.

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Nadja, this can be very nerve-wracking. Maybe it would be good to contact a dog trainer, because it looks like your dog has already made this a ritual and her behavior can also have individual psychological backgrounds, such as attention seeking, separation anxiety, etc.

        1. Mine from Hundeo

          Dogs can jump on people for several reasons. In your case, it will probably be the joy and a greeting when you are back home.

        2. Hi. We have a Maltese. He is 2 1/2 years old. Actually house trained. For about 2 months he has been marking my bathroom runner. Again and again the same one, although he was just outside.
          What could be the cause.

          1. Mine from Hundeo

            The cause may be a physical problem or territorial behavior. If your dog is not neutered, it may also be hormonal. We would advise you to talk to your veterinarian first to rule out organic or hormonal problems or to have them treated early.

      1. Hello I recently bought a dog he was house trained then I got used to walk him properly he is just 7 months old there were times when he did in the apartment but not everywhere only in one place and that was the pee cloth if he had to he went there but were of course regular gassi but since 2 weeks he pees on sofa although the cloth is there and gassi is still regular do not know what to do.

        With kind regards

  3. Good day, I have my dog only a few days am in the process of getting him housebroken give me great effort only hope that it does not take so long will your 5 points as help gladly accept and take to heart gr klaus

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Klaus, thank you very much. How long it takes also depends a bit on age, breed and individual character. With a lot of love and consistency it will surely work. We keep our fingers crossed for you.

    2. Hello I need any advice we have a 8 months years mongrel and now we have twins got my daughter so they are now 15 months old and my little dog which is 10 kg now makes in the apartment and attacks my little one the granddaughter female and me he also sometimes attacks and just what can I do about it thank you in advance

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hello, it is possible that your dog is reacting jealously to the twins because they may be getting the attention and affection he was getting before. Since children can also behave unpredictably or it can be noisy at home, a dog may react insecurely or fearfully to the change in circumstances.

        Especially in the case of aggressive behavior such as biting or attacking, it should be ensured that the family members in the house are protected. It is all the more important that you take measures against this, such as:

        • Do not reprimand your dog. Try to change the behaviors with positive reinforcement training, rewarding him when he behaves as desired and ignoring an undesired behavior.
        • Set clear rules and boundaries for your dog. Remain consistent in doing so.
        • Provide adequate physical and mental exercise.
        • Avoid situations in which your dog feels insecure or fearful, for the protection of all sides, keep your twins away from him until you can observe positive changes in his behavior. Do this step by step.

        If the above tips don't help, don't waste too much time with them either and consult an animal behavior therapist or a qualified local dog trainer who can help you better identify the problem and work out a solution.

  4. Hello !

    Our Labrador ( 5 years ) pees for a week in the apartment, although we walk with him again before bedtime ( 23 - 23.30 ). Unfortunately, since this week we always find our surprise in the morning. Can anyone help ?

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Steffi, in order to exclude possible health problems or to recognize them early, it would be good if you contact your vet.

  5. I have a 10 year old Yorki. He has always been very peculiar. Sometimes he pees in the apartment and then not again for weeks.
    Mostly it is at night or when we are at work. Our bitch, on the other hand, has never done it.

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Anja, the behavior of your Yorki can have psychological reasons, but also physical. Maybe it would be good if you exclude health problems with the help of your vet or have them treated early.

  6. My dog a yorkshire 6 years old, goes with me in the morning in the garden. There she pees and usually makes a Geschäftle. Hardly in the house, she pees on a carpet. When I walk through the apartment, I often find a little poop. She did that during the night. So sweet but it is totally stressful. Does anyone know what to do? Dsnke

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Hilde, there can be many reasons why your dog does this. It is best to ask your veterinarian to rule out possible health problems or to have them treated early enough. Another alternative would be to contact a behavioral therapist in your area.

  7. Hello, we have since 4 weeks an approx 5 month old Maremmano mix from animal welfare. At the beginning it was no problem, with ritualized walks and watching, we had her house trained after a few days. All no problem. After about 1 week she was like changed, she suddenly pees constantly in the apartment. When we realize, now is the time and we go out quickly, it can be that we are 1 h and longer outside and nothing comes. As soon as she enters the apartment, she sits down and pees or even takes a dump. We can not remember any incident which could have scared her outside. She was always praised outside and never scolded inside. We can also rule out the other "typical" problems. It only happens when we are there, so not when she needs to be alone, we run the same places to not offer too much new impressions. We give her the opportunity to use the garden. We also don't notice any preference in person that accompanies her and it doesn't make any difference if we have our old male dog with us or not. It is not that she does not go outside at all. This also happens, but often we have the impression that she prefers to do it inside.

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Hi Elena, it may well be that your new family member is marking the house to make his rank insecurity clear because of the male dog. Also, animals that previously had a lower ranking show this behavior towards other ranking dogs to show their submissiveness. Normally, this behavior subsides with time. However, if it becomes more severe, it is advisable to consult a behavioral therapist.

  8. My dog is now seven months old, we are all day in the garden, or the doors to the garden are open all day! Nevertheless, she pees in the apartment! Although I walk at least four times in the field despite the open house! I just do not understand

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Karin, in such situations it might be advisable to ask a trainer or behavior therapist in your area for support. There are usually many factors involved, which an expert person can better assess on site and give appropriate recommendations for action. We wish you much success.

    2. Astrid Wisweh

      Hello! We have Saturday a mongrel from the Hungarian animal welfare Pustahunde! Our dog is 8 months old! The first two days proved to be very difficult! On Sunday he did only in the apartment! On Monday and Tuesday it was better! But unfortunately only during the day! We went out Monday as well as Tuesday late, and about 30 to 40 minutes went with! Nothing happened! But hardly in the apartment came the emptying! Especially it was not comprehensible to me, because I saw that he had to! Today my husband had to take him to the office, there has not emptied outside at all, only in the evening as my husband back home! Can anyone give me a good tip? Would be happy! Kind regards Astrid Wisweh

  9. Hello, Since Sunday we have a French bulldog at home. She has experienced a lot of agony in her first year of life and then lived with a foster family with 2 other dogs and now with us and is here alone.
    Unfortunately she pees in the apartment, but I have the feeling that it is protest peeing. She pees when I am at home. Is it advisable to call in a behavioral therapist now or should we give her time to find her place. I am just worried that it will become normality for her.

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Susan, thank you very much for your contribution. With dogs that have had a torturous past, it is advisable to get a behavioral therapist involved early on before the new pattern really takes hold. We keep our fingers crossed for you.

  10. Hello, we have a 4 year old Yorkshire Terrier and he barks at wind, noises, other barking dogs even on TV, pees no matter what time of day in the apartment, although the Gassiezeit are observed, bites even sometimes, although he likes us, even with the children? We have already been to the vet, everything is fine. Perplexed Simone please for advice

  11. Sandor Gyorgyevits

    Hello we have a 14 year young Staffirdshire Bullrerrier lady. Since her 3.month age. Until now everything is wonderful now is aucg wonderful but since 2-3 Wichen pees irregularly on her dog sofa and today on the coach. Probably health problem?mentally everything as before hug love words regardless of the new behavior.

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Hello Sandor, in order to be able to rule out health problems such as cystitis, we recommend that you first contact your veterinarian. If your veterinarian is unable to determine any health problems, we recommend that you see a behavioral therapist in your area.

  12. Our Rottweiler-shepherd mix also marks constantly in the house. With him it is clearly about marking and bad upbringing: On the one hand he has always done it, on the other hand the one caregiver moved out and I moved in with dog and three cats. As long as the other one was a puppy, there were hardly any problems, now one of them marks all the time.
    We don't know anymore how to fix the problem (giving away the other animals is of course not an option), because the dog obviously knows that he is misbehaving, but finds it more important to mark his territory. For example, it is impossible for him to be called to a place where he has marked, he starts to growl and hide, because he was beaten by the undressed caregiver in such moments.

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      This is very unfortunate that your dog was raised with violence in its past. This circumstance certainly complicates the desired behavior. Here it is best for the dog's well-being if you get support from a competent person in your area (dog trainer* or behavior therapist*). We wish you success and all the best!

  13. My 7 year old Welsh Terrier has never been 100% housetrained to this day! Even though I practiced and trained on it consistently for the first few years. At some point I gave up. I couldn't anymore. However, in the last few years it has gotten so bad ... I don't get it.
    Bags and bags on the floor- marked, yellow bag- marked, sofa- marked (on it and on it), trash can- marked, in the hallway - marked + peed and even in his bed. He goes to the yard in the morning, walks at noon and walks in the evening, and sometimes again at night after 11pm for a short time. He also pulls his blanket to us in the living room. He is probably also very dominant, already in the puppy school he had mounted the other dogs. Now he also mounts us and he licks his penis massively. I consistently reject him.
    I am in despair, help!

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Franz, in extreme cases it is always advisable to involve a competent person on site (e.g. behavioral therapist/trainer), who would also have the possibility to observe your dog for a while and develop a strategy accordingly. We wish you much success!

  14. Hello, I took in a few weeks ago, a 12 year old, blind and deaf little street dog. He is very sweet and has enormous joie de vivre, unfortunately he has never been neutered and you can see that he is only interested in "sniffing out food", which has ensured his survival so far.
    There are two things I haven't got a handle on yet, since he can't see or hear anything:
    "Pedro" has not been able to find a constant daily routine for himself despite the now fixed times for his feedings - he walks and walks and then sleeps in between often briefly or even once for a few hours ...... especially this restlessness, which is probably normal for him though, starts sometime during the night ...
    But much bigger is the problem that he pees everywhere in the house, although I go with him, at the slightest sign (after awakening, after eating ...) immediately in the garden. I also try to give him a treat as soon as he has done his business outside - does not always work, because he is very fast and lively and you can praise the dear guy almost only so.
    Does anyone have any advice for me?

    1. Anja from Hundeo

      Dear Klaus, I think it's great that you took in an older street dog. But these dogs often need a longer period of acclimation. But now I have a question for you: can he really not stand, or does he mark? Can you generally close off access to these pee spots? Dogs like to mark always in the same place. Maybe this is already helpful for you.
      Otherwise, I wish you continued enjoyment with your Pedro.

      1. Anja, I think both. He already got a hormone chip, but that was 3 weeks ago and his behavior does not change. He marks or detaches "everywhere" - there are actually no fixed places in the house - "he finds everything beautiful". I also think that he can not hold it so well anymore, because he still lets water, even if he already goes on again or already starts, even if his little leg is not lifted at all yet... Outdoors, however, he always marks in the same places.
        I am trying to learn a rhythm with him now so he sleeps through the night. I think time will make some things better.

        1. Anja from Hundeo

          Good morning Klaus, then the only thing that helps is to limit space in the house and actually establish a rhythm.

  15. Petra Pothmann

    I have a 5month old female Dachshund-Terrier mix from the shelter. She comes from Romania. She has been with me for 6 weeks now and I can't get her housebroken. When she wants to do her big business I can tell by her behavior. But if she only does pee, she does it very quickly, and as soon as I turn around, she has already done it. She sits down from now on and makes. So slowly I despair.

    1. Anja from Hundeo

      Dear Petra, I know that too! These dogs have not learned otherwise. Most of the time they only know kennels and didn't get out of there. Have patience. Your mouse must first learn the new rules of the game and also completely relearn them. Praise her when she pees outside and introduce rituals: after eating, drinking, going outside every two hours. Better several shorter walks a day than one long walk. Good luck!

  16. Hello, I have a 15 year old terrier. A year ago he got a hormone chip due to tumors at the anus, which should only work for half a year. The tumors are gone, but since then he pees like a girl and does not mark anymore. Instead, he often pees in the apartment - the entire bladder at once. He often refuses to empty when we walk (even if we walk for a very long time) and lets it go as soon as we are in the apartment. Months of rewards for voiding outside showed no success.
    Since I don't know what else to do, I put him in the shower after the walk, where he refuses to empty himself, and then he does empty himself, grumbling. Even when I put a diaper on him, he almost immediately spreads his legs and lets it run.
    It is so disgusting to always have the urine smell in the apartment. Does anyone else have any ideas?

  17. My 5 year old male dog has been peeing tons of urine in the apartment for a week while standing (without lifting his leg like outside). He also vomits 2-3x a day, but only yellow mucus, not his meal. I go outside with him often and for a long time, he pees normally outside. He drinks almost nothing, but eats normally. His behavior is also completely normal, he plays etc everything as usual. The vet had taken blood, kidneys, liver everything i. O., except the thyroid gland, which shows inflammation values. No cystitis, no diabetes. Since my male dog has mated a bitch 10 weeks ago, it was said: a high testosterone level. Now I am supposed to have a "castration chip" implanted in him...I don't know what to do....

  18. Hello I have a question my dog bienkelt from time to time in the apartment even in her bed or in mine also with my son in the apartment it is not much what she pees but not already I do not know what breed my dog is I got him from Spain l

    1. Mine from Hundeo

      Hello Luna, we assume that your dog comes from the animal welfare Spain? Depending on how the past of a dog was, it can unfortunately come to undesirable behavior patterns, for which an individual consultation of a competent person (behavior therapist, trainer, etc.) would be very advisable.

  19. Hi there, we have an11/2 year old male who is deaf from birth. We got him as a puppy and he is a second dog. Somehow he has never been 100% housetrained but by now the urinating is really ultra annoying. The other dog is a female ,she is three years old ,also we got her as a puppy and she is absolutely clean. Since such things as scolding or other commands do not work, we know no more advice.

    1. Mine from Hundeo

      Hello Ingeborg, we would advise you to contact a knowledgeable person who has experience in training pigeon dogs. Possibly your veterinarian can recommend someone.

  20. Hello, we have a 10-month-old Terrier bitch comes from Romania Adopted on 16.07.2021.There she had a home and was then exposed.Our sunshine was probably not yet in heat, and clean she was already after 2 days.Now she makes about 1 week again in the apartment although I walk with her 5-6 times a day and in the garden she can also always there free access.But no she makes in the apartment.When I walk with her she does everything else only rarely her business.In the garden she also makes little but at the beginning was often.Healthy she is we also have in writing.What can I do so that she is finally clean and also remains.Yes I praise her when she makes times outside.

    1. Mine from Hundeo

      Dear Marina, if the tips recommended in our article do not bring success or the behavior of your dog is too pronounced, we recommend you to call in a professional person in your area - e.g. trainer, behavior therapist. We wish you success in solving the problem.

  21. Hello dear Hundertwasser,
    We have since 9 months a year old male from the animal help from Portugal. In the first week he pees more often in the apartment but this has quickly settled by walking 4 times a day. He is a very sensitive dog and is still afraid of some things, especially when we have discovered a tick on him and we want to look, he starts shaking like crazy, crawls away and starts to empty his bladder. Mostly in our bed what can I do to make him stop and let us feel him like a tick?
    For advice I would be grateful

    1. Mine from Hundeo

      Hello Barbara, surely there is a bad memory behind this behavior, which is triggered when you try to touch or hold him. Try it slowly step by step. For example, take a treat. While you are giving him the treat, just pet him. Stay calm while doing this. The more relaxed and calm you are while doing this, the more your dog will feel secure as well. When you feel that he can be stroked without problems, embrace his body, for example, as if you were hugging him. Only for a short moment. After that, continue stroking. And hug again. Keep practicing until he will let you hug him without a treat. In the next step, try gently grabbing a leg, for example, holding it for a brief moment and then stroking it. Again grab the leg and hold a little longer. Then stroke again and so on. If these exercises do not relieve him of his fear, it would be useful if you involve a competent person on the spot. Kind regards - Your Hundeo Team

  22. Hello I have a 20 week old dachshund .
    She goes on the dog toulette Pippi make .
    Untern play makes her 3 -4 times a day in their cribs how can I get her out of the habit best,
    Greetings Alexandra

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