Top 25 Most Popular Dog Tricks (With Instructions)

Isn't it enviable when a cute furry friend unleashes their hidden talents and shows what a well-oiled team they and their owners are? Would you like to perform some amazing tricks with your pet? Here are the 25 most popular dog tricks and how to train them with your pet.

Table of Contents

Why Is Practicing Tricks Useful?


Teaching your dog specific commands is part of basic training. Training begins as soon as your furry friend moves in with you. First, small exercises such as sit and down are practiced. These are important for any human-dog team. This is the only way to manage everyday life together with clear communication and without major problems.

Training also strengthens the relationship between you and your dog. He learns to rely on what you say and to trust your cues. A close bond with a stable foundation of trust and clear rules will help your dog feel safe. In the long run, this will make your life together more relaxed.

But even if your dog has mastered the basic commands, it's still worth training him to do more tricks. He loves spending time with you and having your undivided attention. He also needs to use his brain to learn new tricks. In addition to physical exercise, mental exercise is a basic requirement for proper dog care.

Another advantage is the comfortable rest after the training. The high level of concentration demands a lot from your pet. All that thinking makes him tired, and it is not unlikely that he will lie down and sleep. This is how he processes the new information. Boredom? Not with you! So prevent your pet from doing forbidden things out of sheer boredom, like chewing on shoes.

Learning commands

25 Wonderful Tricks for Your Dog

Skipping rope

Trick 1: Sit

This is probably the simplest and best known trick for dogs. As simple as this command is, it is one of the most important! Your dog will sit on command, which will come in handy in everyday situations, such as waiting at traffic lights.

Hold a treat above your dog's head and slowly move your hand upward. Your dog will follow the treat with his nose and automatically sit down. Reward this by giving him the treat. Over time, add a hand and word signal and increase the distractions under which your dog must sit.

Trick 2: Down

This trick is also very easy to train and can be used again and again in everyday life. First, get your dog to sit. Then pull a treat to the ground in front of his nose. You can also pull the treat toward him at a slight angle instead of in a straight line. He will follow the treat with his nose and have no choice but to lie down.

When his belly and chest touch the ground, give him your word signal and he gets his treat. Over time, bring your flat hand to the floor without the treat. This will gradually establish the hand signal. You can find detailed instructions, including videos, in our free Hundeo App.

Trick 3: Stay

"Stay" is also a basic command. It teaches your dog to stay where you tell him to stay until you release him. This makes it easier, for example, when you need to open the front door without your dog running out. The best way to practice this trick is to sit your dog down and hold your hand out in front of him like a stop sign. Now say, "Stay".

Be sure to practice in small increments. Over time, you can increase the time and distance and add distractions. Your dog will only get his reward if he sits well. If your pet gets up without permission, repeat the exercise.

Trick 4: Give Paw

"Give Paw" is not a mandatory command, but it's still very popular. It also looks really cute! You hide a treat in your hand in front of your furry friend. At first, he gets the treat every time you move your paw. Later, your pet will only get the treat if he actually touches your hand.

When he can do this well, you hold the treat behind the one in your other hand and he must touch the empty, closed hand in front of him. Gradually open your hand until he places his paw in the palm of your hand. You can also vary the amount of time your dog has to keep his paw on your hand.

Trick 5: High Five

This trick looks really casual and is also the basis for waving. First, show your sweet friend that this trick is based on giving a paw. Raise your hand in small increments. When you get to about the height of his collar, start turning your hand higher and higher.

The word signal "paw" remains the same. Only when your hand is pointing vertically upward, you give the new word signal "high-five" when your dog touches your hand with his paw. You can find free instructions with videos and progress documentation for all the tricks here in the Hundeo App!

High Five
This is what High Five looks like in action

Trick 6: Stop

Stop is another very useful command in dog training. Your dog will stop on command. This makes you much safer on your walks. Practice this trick on a leash first. Say "Stop" loudly and stand still. When your dog stops, reward him. It is also important to give a stop command so your pet knows when to move on.

If your dog voluntarily stops when you give the command, increase the distance. A leash can help you do this. Now say "Stop" again and stand still. If your dog obeys, reward him again. Over time, increase the amount of time you say "Stop" and don't stop yourself.

Trick 7: Nudge Your Nose

This is another dog trick that is just cute to watch. Your dog nudges you with his nose without licking you. Approach your dog with your face. Hold a treat up to your nose. Your dog will want it. Give him the treat when he touches your nose with his nose.

After a while, use only your empty hand to lure your dog to your nose. When he touches it, give him word signals such as "nudge" or "nose. Praise him each time he touches your nose. Now reduce the hand signals and give your dog his treat when he touches your nose in response to the word signal. Get detailed instructions with videos in our free app!

Trick 8: Lie Head Down

This command is great for super cute pictures! Hold out your open hand to your dog and lure his head toward it by holding a piece of food on it. Give it to him when he puts his head down and introduce a word sign such as "down" or "head". Gradually increase the amount of time your dog has to receive the reward.

Now you can introduce new positions, such as placing your hand on a pillow instead of holding it in the air. Continue to pull your hand away until your dog's head is only on the pillow. Always reward him with treats. Now your hand is just a signal from a little farther away and your dog will put his head down on different surfaces.

With this trick your dog relaxes and puts his head on any pillow

Trick 15: Jump

Your dog must be at least one-year-old to perform this trick to avoid injury and joint damage. Use a treat or toy and your body language to encourage your dog to jump. Give the command "hop" or "jump". Not all dogs like to jump, so be patient.

Repeat the exercise until your dog only needs the command and a hand movement to jump. You can now remove the toy or treat. After each jump, immediately reward him with a treat and verbal praise. Check out our tutorials with videos in our free Hundeo App gets the spotlight.

Trick 10: In the Collar

With this command, your dog will put on the collar almost automatically - a great help when you want to go for a walk! At first, your dog needs to learn that the collar is not dangerous. Make it really big and let him sniff it. Give him some food while he does it. If he finds the collar interesting, lift one side slightly off the ground. Now let your dog eat treats placed on the floor so that he has to put his nose through the collar.

Now hold the collar in front of your dog's nose and offer treats through the opening. When he voluntarily puts his nose through the opening, give a word signal such as "collar. Now hold the collar in front of his nose, give the word signal, and praise your dog profusely when he puts his nose through. Gradually pull the collar farther and farther over his head, adjusting it to the proper size.

Trick 11: FloorTarget

You can use this trick to create a variety of tricks. Use an object as a target. For example, this could be a book. Draw your dog's attention to the target by playing with it in front of him. Continue until your dog places one paw on the object. Reward him with a treat. Repeat playing with the object until your dog places both paws on the object and rewards him.

Now introduce a word signal, such as "target". Say the signal and lead your pet to the object with a treat. When he stands on both paws, repeat the command and reward him. Gradually use fewer hand signals until your dog only needs the word signal to do the command.

Trick 12: Twist

The twist is a trick in which your dog turns on its own axis. To begin, pick up a treat and hold it in front of your dog's nose. Now slowly make a circular motion with your hand around your sweet companion. He will follow the treat with his nose and turn in a circle. Now give him his reward.

Practice this in both directions and at different speeds until your dog can do it safely. Now give a command such as "Twist" and use your free hand to entice him to turn. Repeat the command several times, and say it again when he gets his treat. Eventually, reduce the use of your hand until he only needs the auditory cue. Get detailed instructions with videos in our free app!

Trick 13: Running Backwards

Again, this trick is not necessary, but it is very cute to watch and a good foundation for other tricks. Hold a treat in your hand and take small steps toward your dog. Praise him when he takes 1–2 steps back. If he has trouble with the exercise, such as dodging to the side, you can place obstacles on either side so that he can only go backwards.

Repeat the exercise a few times until he is confident and can take a few more steps. Lure him less and less with the piece of food. Now incorporate the cue "back" or another word. Repeat it several times at the beginning as he walks backwards. Also repeat the word when he gets the treat. Now use fewer and fewer cues until your dog only needs the cue to do the command.

Trick 14: Middle

Your dog will walk between your legs wherever you go. You begin this exercise by placing your dog in front of you, giving him the command "Stay" and turning your back to him. Now pull him through your legs from behind, give him the "Center" command, and reward him. If this works well, change your position in relation to the dog and stand to the side or in front of him. Give the command again and entice him through your legs with a piece of food.

Now comes the run. Give your dog the command and reward him for doing it. Now walk forward a little and reward your dog with a treat when he comes. Practice this until your dog comes between your legs on command. You can find all the steps with videos in more detail in our free Hundeo App.

Trick 15: Jump

Your dog must be at least one year old to perform this trick to avoid injury and joint damage. Use a treat or toy and your body language to encourage your dog to jump. Give the command "hop" or "jump". Not all dogs like to jump, so be patient.

Repeat the exercise until your dog only needs the word signal and a hand movement to jump. Now remove the toy or treat. Each time he jumps, immediately reward him with a treat and verbal praise. You can also view our video tutorials in our free Hundeo App on!

Trick 16: Waving

This dog trick is not so easy. So it's even more enviable if you can do it with your pet! Your dog should already be able to do "Give Paw" and "High Five". Hold your hand out in front of your dog and give him the "Give Paw" command, but don't let him touch your hand. While he's trying to touch your hand, he's already accidentally waving.

Introduce the word signal "Wave" here and reward him for this movement. Gradually reduce the amount of help you give with your hand. Give the command and show your hand less and less. You will need a lot of patience and can always take a step back if your dog gets confused. The detailed instructions and videos in our free app are sure to help.

Here is the waving trick

Trick 17: Whispering

This trick makes it look like your dog is whispering in your ear - super cute! First, practice putting your dog's nose through a circle of your fingers. Lure him into the correct position with treats. If this works well, gradually move the circular hand closer to your ear. Remember to reward your furry friend with a treat every time he sticks his nose through.

Now hold your hand up to your ear and point at your dog. When he puts his nose to your ear, reward him again. If this step also works, add an auditory cue such as "whisper". If your dog understands the exercise, he will place his nose between your hands and your ear in response to the word cue. For more tips, check out the instructions in our free app! There are also videos.

Trick 18: Stick Out Tongue

A four-legged friend that sticks out its tongue on command? The looks will be priceless! Begin this exercise by letting your pet briefly lick an almost empty yogurt cup. When you take the cup away, he will lick his lips. Click here with the clicker and give him a treat. Reward him for each lick after you take the cup away. It's best to hide it behind your back for a moment.

Now give him a hand signal or a word signal, such as "Tongue". Each time your dog shows his tongue, click and give the reward. Over time, you will focus more on the cue and use fewer aids. Practice extensively to reinforce this trick.

Trick 19: Slow Run

This command can be useful in many situations. First, stand 1 to 2 feet in front of your dog and call. When he starts to run fast enough, use your hand to signal him to slow down. Reward your pet directly when he slows down and repeat this exercise a few times.

Take a few steps back and let your dog walk slowly behind you. Now build up a word signal that you say during training whenever he follows you slowly. Gradually reduce the amount of help you give with the hand signal. Eventually, your dog should do the command in response to the word signal alone.

Trick 20: Bow

The bow is a very cute trick. Hold one arm under your dog's belly. With the other, place a treat in front of his nose. He will follow and bow automatically. Over time, try leaving your arm under his belly more often, but correct the pose if your furry friend puts his butt down.

This is also where you begin to incorporate a cue. Gradually reduce the amount of support your arm provides. Always reward your dog when he does the exercise correctly. Detailed instructions with demonstration videos are available in the free Hundeo App.

Trick 21: Take Off Socks

This trick will make your dog take your socks off. He should already know the "stay" command. First, draw your dog's attention to the sock in your hand and reward him when he looks at it or even puts it in his mouth. Now encourage him to pull on the sock. If your dog grabs the sock, pull on it and reward him when he pulls on the sock as well. It may help if he already knows and likes to pull.

Repeat this step, increasing the time a little at a time. Now give a word signal such as "sock" or "take off" and pull the sock over your foot. Reward your dog for each pull. You can also help him pull. Gradually remove the assistance and encourage your dog to do the trick on its own as soon as you give the command.

Trick 22: Walking Around

This command looks great and can even be incorporated into walks. First, lure your pet around you with a piece of food in your hand. When he completes one lap, he gets the reward. Now lead your dog around with empty hands and give him a word signal such as "around".

Once he has walked around you, give him a treat from your pocket. Gradually reduce the amount of help you give with your hand. Eventually, your dog should be able to walk around you on his own when you give the word signal. For helpful videos and more tips on this exercise, check out our free Hundeo App!

Walking around
Your dog should walk around very close to you during this trick

Trick 23: Look Around

This exercise teaches your dog to look left and right on command. This exercise requires a target stick and a clicker. A wooden spoon or fly swatter will also work. Click and reward each time your dog brings his nose to the target. Alternate between pointing to the right and left and using your finger to point in the direction. Your dog will receive his reward when he does this correctly.

Now practice the left side only a few times in a row and give a signal like "Look left". Click again and reward him when he does it correctly. Repeat with the right side. Over time, you can eliminate the target stick and use hand signals instead. For more detailed instructions with videos, download our free Hundeo App try out

Trick 24: Jump on Pedestal

This trick works for many agility exercises. Place a crate or similar object on the floor. Now use a treat to entice your dog to place his front paws on the crate and reward him for doing so. Next, pull the piece of food further over the crate in front of his nose so that he jumps up to retrieve it. Reward him again.

Now try to combine the steps by pulling the treat up at an angle. When your dog jumps onto the crate, say the command "hop" and give him his treat. If this works, simply use your hand gesture and the audio signal to lure your dog onto the crate. Always reward him if it works. You can also find instructions with videos in our free Hundeo App.

Trick 25: Around the Tree

Having your dog run around a tree on command is a nice change from your walks. First, train indoors by luring your dog around a large object, such as a backpack, with a treat. If this works well, use your free hand to lure him around the object and then give him the treat.

Now take this exercise outside by luring your furry friend around a slender tree with a treat. Again, leave the treat out if it works. Now introduce the signal word "tree. Once your dog has internalized it, try it on thicker trees. You can find detailed instructions with videos of each step in our free Hundeo App.

Frequently Asked Questions

Every dog should know the basic commands. Learning other tricks adds variety to everyday life and keeps your dog mentally fit. Learn more in our article.

Dogs are highly intelligent creatures. They are all capable of learning. Some may take a little longer to understand a new command, but with a little patience and a great reward, almost anything is possible. In this article, we present 25 great dog tricks with instructions. You can find these and many more commands with step-by-step instructions, including training videos, in our free Hundeo App!

If your dog doesn't understand what you want him to do, there are several reasons. If you haven't been training together for a long time, it's often difficult for your sweet furry friends to guess what's being asked of them. Train in small steps and always reward at the right time. A clicker may be helpful. It is also important not to move to the next step too quickly. This will confuse your pet because it has not internalized the previous step. Don't forget to take regular breaks. If you practice for too long, your dog won't be able to concentrate and won't know what to do. Short training sessions of 5 to 10 minutes are ideal.


There are many wonderful commands that can be taught to our beloved furry friends. Some are easy, others take a little more time. Some tricks are really useful in everyday life, others are just for fun. But they all have one thing in common: training strengthens the bond between you and your dog while challenging him to use his brain to understand and remember everything.

It doesn't matter if your pet is a talented trick dog who could perform at shows, or if you just want to teach him a new trick to add some variety to your everyday life together. With a little patience and perseverance, anything is possible.

There are exercises for every pet, and they will appreciate you taking the time to spend with them alone. After all, spending time together is the most important thing. Of course, a few cute dog tricks to show off to your friends the next time you visit aren't a bad idea either!

Want even more dog-related tricks, games, recipes, and lessons in one app? Take a look at our Hundeo App.

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Picture of Verfasst von Anja Boecker
Written by Anja Boecker

My name is Anja Boecker, and I am a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant. With these articles, I want to help you to understand your dog better and to build an inseparable bond.

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