10 facts about hemp oil for dogs

Do you know hemp oil? Many dog owners to this day are not sure if it is legal and exactly what effects it has. That's exactly what this post is for. I enlighten you, for what hemp oil useful, show you the most important facts. In addition, I still go to the most common questions. In addition, I have for this article Advice from veterinarian Mag.med.vet. Emin Jasarevic obtained. Note: This article is written for the german country.

hemp oil dog
Table of Contents

The hemp plant

For centuries, hemp has been known to people. Many people have grown hemp to make fabric for clothing and linen from its fibers.

The hemp fibers are still used today in the construction industry. They are used for the production of insulation and building materials. Also, the plant is a good alternative for the production of paper.

However, their intoxicating effect was and is also another reason to grow them. This led to the fact that the hemp plant has fallen more and more into disrepute. Thus, cultivation is now largely prohibited or only possible under strict conditions.

The excellent effect of their oil, on the other hand, has long been ignored. In addition to the numerous benefits for humans, hemp oil also offers benefits to dogs. Our four-legged friends can stay more vital and healthy if they take it regularly.

The hemp oil itself has no dangerous or intoxicating components.

How is hemp oil produced?

Hemp oil is an edible oil and is very commonly used as a dietary supplement. It is obtained from the seeds of the useful hemp (Cannabis sativa) won

The substances of the essential oil, which are responsible for the intoxicating effect, are found in the flowers of the plant. Therefore, the edible oil of the useful plant should not be confused with hemp essential oil.

The seeds are harvested only when ripe. They must then be thoroughly cleaned. For this purpose, they pass through several water baths. After cleaning, the hemp seeds are dried. This process takes several days. Only then can they be further processed.

The dried seeds are processed into oil by pressing. Ideally, the oil is produced using the cold pressing process. This guarantees that the valuable ingredients are preserved as far as possible. You can recognize cold-pressed hemp oil by its green-yellowish color.

Ingredients of hemp oil

The hemp oil contains fatty acids, which are present in high proportions. The proportion is over 80 % of unsaturated fatty acids. This high proportion alone makes the hemp oil so valuable not only for dogs as a dietary supplement.

The main share goes to the omega-6 fatty acids. They are important for many functions of the body.

However, the organism cannot produce them itself and therefore they have to be taken as food supplements.


CBD hemp oil for dogs

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the healing active ingredient from the female hemp. Medicinally, it has anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-anxiety and anti-vomiting or anti-nausea effects. It is also recommended against headaches or epilepsy.

More about the effect and differences of hemp oil to CBD you can find in our big CBD Oil Guide.

Effect of hemp oil on my dog?

Taking hemp oil has positive effects on the state of health of your protégé:

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • dense and shiny coat
  • Stop eczema and inflammation
  • allergic reactions are reduced

If you should feed your darling with the Barf method, it is recommended if you use hemp oil as an addition. Thus, your faithful friend is supplied with important fatty acids.

What is the dosage?

hemp oil plant

You should be careful with the dosage. The daily requirement of hemp oil must be calculated based on weight.

You should start with one drop and adjust the dosage week by week until the required amount is reached.

As a rule, weekly administration is quite sufficient. It should be as follows:

  • Small dogs:
    2.5ml - 5.0 ml
  • Medium sized dogs:
    5.0ml - 10.0 ml
  • Large dogs:
    10.0 ml - 15.0ml

The following applies to the dosage: 1 teaspoon corresponds to about 5ml hemp oil

This information should be considered more as a guideline and does not constitute veterinary advice.

What are the side effects?

Hemp oil is a natural product and is produced for dogs in a gentle cold pressing process. These two factors ensure that so far no side effects are known.

However, the dosage plays an important role. If the dosage is high, the dog may vomit, get diarrhea or the digestive system may become unstable.

Therefore, you should start with a few drops and increase the ration to the necessary amount over time.

Is hemp oil also suitable for older dogs?

Seniors can benefit from the effects of hemp oil just as much as younger people. 

Thus, they remain vital into old age and some ailments of old age can not only be mitigated, but perhaps even avoided.

Healthy coat with hemp oil

By adding hemp oil to the food every week, you will notice after a short time that the coat of your favorite becomes softer and silkier. Over time, it will also become healthier and denser.

Hemp oil for external use

Hemp oil can also be used externally on dogs for skin problems.

Hemp oil is particularly suitable for rubbing into dry or inflamed areas of the skin. 

For treatment, simply drip a few drops of hemp oil on the affected area and gently massage with your finger. Already after a few days the healing effect will be seen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hemp oil is extracted from the cannabis plant and is sold as a dietary supplement for humans and animals. It is not to be confused with THC or CBD oil.

Even though hemp oil is extracted from the cannabis plant, only the active ingredient THC is subject to narcotics law and is therefore only available by prescription. Hemp oil can be purchased quite legally.

Only the active ingredient THC contained in the cannabis plant can cause intoxication. Hemp oil has hardly any other side effects, at most you or your dog might have an intolerance. In this case, you should stop using the oil. 

Taking hemp oil has positive effects on the state of health of your protégé:

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • dense and shiny coat
  • Stop eczema and inflammation
  • allergic reactions are reduced

There is no fixed dosage, because it depends on the size of your protégé and the reason for taking it. Therefore, you should ask your vet which dosage is the right one.

Veterinarian’s Recommendation

Hemp oils are offered almost everywhere today. However, you must pay close attention to the ingredients. Many products are only enriched with hemp oil and otherwise contain some chemical ingredients.

When buying you should make sure that it is a natural product, not only cold pressed, but also 100 % pure. Chemical additives and pesticides should not be present.

Picture of Geprüft vom Tierarzt Mag.med.vet. Emin Jasarevic
Veterinarian Mag.med.vet. Emin Jasarevic

I am a veterinarian and writer on animal health topics. Animals are my passion, and it is my personal goal to create medically accurate articles and videos to educate pet owners as much as possible.

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