Puppy Training Classes: Yes or No? (How useful is it really?)

A puppy in the house - what could be more exciting and cute? But soon the question arises: puppy school yes or no? A big responsibility begins and many questions arise about the right way to raise a puppy. This article aims to answer all of these questions.

Puppy school
Table of Contents

That little ball of fur with its awkward movements may make us smile today, but soon it will be a full-grown dog.

A puppy warms the heart of every dog owner. The puppyhood is exciting and full of surprises.

During this time, many dog owners wonder how and when to start training their puppies. Some dog owners think that training should take a back seat in the early days. We advise against this.

Because puppy training should be an important part of your and your puppy's life from day one. Who doesn't remember their childhood, when the teacher taught us the multiplication tables or the alphabet?

Well, your puppy is going through a learning phase, and just like us, he benefits from a good "basic education". But how useful is puppy school?

Raising a puppy properly will not only make your relationship easier in the long run. He will also get along better with other animals and dogs.

Properly Educating a Puppy

Puppy learns

So puppy training is important for your little furry friend.

  • But how do you properly raise a puppy?
  • What is the role of puppy school?

First, we will address the question, "How do I properly raise a puppy?

  1. Consequence: Always be consistent in your behavior.
  2. Positive reinforcement: Reward good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior.
  3. Socialization: Give your puppy lots of different experiences - this will make him a well-balanced dog when he grows up.

Set clear rules and limits when training your dog. You probably know that your dog is a pack animal. The remarkable thing is that dogs in a pack always have to obey rules. If they don't, a fight with the pack leader is imminent.

That's why rules and clear boundaries are important in your relationship. You are the leader of the pack.

Do Not Overlook This Responsibility!

It is also important that you are not too strict with him. Show him lots of love and reward him when he does something right. Do not expect too much the first time. The little darlings are easily overwhelmed.

Puppy training should not be underestimated. It requires a great deal of continuity and consistency. Many dog owners reach their limits when it comes to puppy training.

Unfortunately, our busy lives often leave little time for this continuity and consistency. This is why many dog owners resort to puppy school. The goal of puppy training is to improve the success and positive aspects of dog training.

The education of a puppy begins as soon as it enters your home. A clear and consistent training style will help the puppy understand the rules of living together. This includes not only sit and stay, but also everyday behavior.

Early Socialization

Expose your puppy to different people, animals, and environments as early as possible to help him become a well-socialized dog.


Before your puppy arrives at your home, you should prepare everything you need:

  • Cozy place to sleep
  • Food and water bowls
  • Leash and collar
  • Puppy-safe home (no accessible wires, poisonous plants, etc.)

Introduction to basic commands

Begin by introducing simple commands such as "sit," "down," and "here. Use positive reinforcement by praising and rewarding your puppy for good behavior.


Teach your puppy to do his business outside:

  • Take him outside regularly, especially after eating, playing or sleeping.
  • Praise him when he has done his business outside.
  • Don't punish him when things go wrong.

Bite Inhibition

Teach your puppy not to bite. If he bites while playing, say "no" in a firm tone of voice and stop playing for a while.

Stay Alone

Slowly train your puppy to be left alone to avoid separation anxiety.

  • Start with short periods of absence and gradually increase them.
  • Give him something to play with or chew on when you leave.

Leash Training

Get your puppy used to a leash and collar early on to make walks more enjoyable.

  • Praise him when he walks beside you on a loose leash.
  • Avoid pulling him on the leash.

Vet Visits

Make veterinary visits a positive experience:

  • Reward him with treats and praise.
  • Practice patting him down and checking his ears while he's still at home so he'll be more comfortable during the exam.

Continuing Education

Consider whether puppy school is right for you and your puppy, and continue training on an ongoing basis.

Raising a puppy is an enriching experience that will foster a strong bond between you and your new family member. Be patient, consistent, and loving, and remember that every positive interaction is a learning opportunity.

What is a Puppy School?

playing puppies

But what exactly is a dog school and what are the benefits? A dog school is usually run by a professional dog trainer.

Puppy classes are often a mix of theory and practice. Puppies learn how to interact with other dogs and how to respond to people. The goal is to build trust and strengthen the bond between dog and owner.

You should also check this out. A dog school only makes sense if it is run by a qualified dog trainer.

A dog school is a place where several dogs and their owners meet. The dog trainer shows you how best to react in certain situations with your dog. This will help you understand your dog better.

You will know how to react in difficult situations. You will also be able to interact with other dog owners. But a puppy school has other advantages as well:

1. Puppies can Play Together

Playing is part of your dog's daily routine during puppyhood. There are other puppies at puppy school. So your sweetheart will enjoy the play.

Play is important for education, social skills, and the relationship between you and your dog.

2. Different Dog Breeds

Dog breeds differ not only in appearance. Their character is as different as night and day.

A trait that is typical of one breed is hard to understand in the other.

There are many different breeds at a puppy school. Your little puppy can have his own experiences with different dogs. This is an important part of building your dog's character.

3. The Limits of Biting

Puppy school exposes your dog to other breeds. They run, play, and learn from each other.

Puppies are known for not knowing their limits. This is especially evident in biting.

By interacting with other puppies, your dog will learn about his biting reflex. He will learn the limits of biting.

4. Curiosity Instead of Shyness

Puppies in particular are very shy and not very outgoing at first. Puppy school can turn this shyness into curiosity.

Puppy school can help your puppy become more outgoing and confident. This will have a positive effect on his adult life.

5. Your Puppy Will Use His Energy Positively

Puppies have a lot of energy. In the beginning, this can sometimes be too much for the dog owner.

You may feel overwhelmed by your puppy's energy.

Through puppy school, the puppy's excess energy can be used and implemented in a positive way.

When Will It Get Easier?

Educate puppy

This is a common question asked by puppy owners. There is no reason to start puppy school too early. Rule of thumb: There is no need to go to puppy school right away.

Your dog may become overwhelmed. It is important to have a short acclimation period. This will allow your puppy to adjust to the new environment. After about a week, we recommend that you take your puppy to a puppy school.

Your dog will go through different stages of development during the first few years of his life, just like we do. Dog schools offer different courses and training for different age groups.

The ideal time to send a puppy to puppy school is between 8 and 16 weeks of age. At this stage, the puppy is very open to new experiences and it is the best time to begin socialization and basic obedience.

It is important to consider the puppy's specific needs and stage of development. Some experts recommend starting puppy school as soon as the puppy has received all necessary vaccinations to minimize the risk of disease. This is usually around 12 weeks of age.

Before enrolling your puppy in a puppy school, make sure the school is well run and offers a positive and safe approach to dog training. It is also a good idea to ask your veterinarian when is the best time to enroll your puppy in a puppy school.

Early education and socialization in a puppy school can have many benefits, including.

  • It promotes good behavior and reduces the likelihood of behavioral problems later in life.
  • It helps to build a strong bond between the puppy and its owner.
  • Provides a safe environment for the puppy to interact with other dogs and people and learn important socialization skills.

Remember that puppy school is only the first step and raising and socializing your puppy is an ongoing process that goes far beyond puppy school.

Puppy Training Class - How Long?

How long you attend puppy school with your puppy depends on several factors, including the learning goals you have for your puppy and the puppy school offering itself.

Typical Course Structure:

Most puppy schools offer classes in "modules" or "sessions". A typical puppy class consists of 6 to 8 sessions per week, with each session lasting between 45 minutes and an hour.

Individual Needs and Progress

Depending on how fast your puppy is learning and what specific skills or behaviors you want to reinforce, you may want to book an advanced class or additional one-on-one sessions.


  • Puppy Basic Course (approx. 6-8 weeks): This should be the minimum to help your puppy learn basic commands and socialize with other dogs.
  • Advanced courses or topic-specific workshops: After completing the basic course, you may want to take additional courses that focus on specific skills or behaviors, such as recall training, leash walking, or agility.
  • Regular refresher courses: Even after formal puppy training is completed, it may be helpful to take refresher classes or workshops from time to time to reinforce what you have learned and to develop new skills.

The exact length of your commitment to puppy training will depend on your goals and your puppy's needs. However, it is important to emphasize that raising and training a dog is an ongoing process that goes beyond formal puppy training.

A good start in puppy school can lay the foundation for a lifetime of positive behavior and a strong bond between you and your dog. It is always a good idea to discuss with the trainer or school what is best for your puppy.

How Do I Know a Good Puppy School?

How to Stop Puppies

Unfortunately, there are always black sheep among puppy schools. There are some schools that do you and your puppy almost no good.

Fortunately, most of them offer good service and informative knowledge. We'll show you how to protect yourself from the bad apples. Here are some things to look for in a good puppy school:

1. The Right Number of Puppies

The number of puppies in a puppy school is often an indication of whether it is a good or bad puppy school. In a professionally run puppy training class, you will find no more than eight puppies.

Are there more puppies? Then there may be situations where the dog owner is short with his puppy.

2. Are Trial Visits Allowed?

A professional puppy school will offer you a preliminary interview (including a trial run). Is this not the case? Then you may want to look for another dog school.

3. More Than Just Hours of Play

Play sessions are the essence of puppy school. Play is an educational method. It has a long-term positive effect on the relationship.

However, the number of play hours should not be excessive. Puppy school classes should also include practical exercises and various theoretical lessons.

4. Puppies Are Sorted by Age

Trainers offer dog schools for different age groups. However, no dog should be in a puppy class that is older than five months.

5. Play Limits

There are puppy schools where the trainer hardly interferes. This means that he does not set limits on play. Small dogs rarely respect the limits of their play.

The trainer acts as a "referee" in a puppy school. If there is an extreme form of play, it is important for the trainer to intervene.

6. The Right Place

There are also a number of facility factors. Not every facility is suitable for a puppy school. We recommend that you consider the following points

  • Plenty of space for the puppies
  • Enough game options
  • Plant should be fenced
  • Exploration opportunities should be available

Cost of Puppy Training Class

Puppy plays

The cost of puppy training varies greatly. It depends on your goals. The character of your dog also plays an important role.

Most often, the cost of a dog school is charged by the hour. There are also puppy schools that offer several hours at a time. However, we do not recommend this. You never know exactly how many hours you will need.

The price varies - as already mentioned - and depends on your goals and wishes. Meanwhile, there is also the possibility to use individual lessons as puppy training. Here the cost can be up to 100 euros per hour.

The cost of attending a dog training school can vary greatly depending on the region, the experience of the instructor, the length of the course, and the facilities offered. In general, you can expect the following price ranges:

  • Group courses: These are usually the cheapest option and can cost between 100 and 300 euros for a course of 4 to 8 lessons.
  • Private lessons: The prices are higher because they are customized for your puppy. Costs range from 50 to 150 euros per hour.
  • Workshops and seminars: These usually cost between 50 and 200 Euros, depending on the length and content of the workshop or seminar.

It is always a good idea to get several quotes and compare prices as well as reviews and recommendations from other dog owners. A higher price does not always guarantee better quality training, but often reflects the experience and qualifications of the trainer.

Also note that some dog schools offer discounts for packages where multiple sessions are paid for in advance. There may also be additional costs for materials such as leashes, harnesses or training manuals needed during the course.

Although it's an investment, the benefits of good puppy training can be huge for your dog's future, so it's worth it. It's important to find a school that takes a positive, reward-based approach to education to ensure your puppy has the best possible start in life.


A puppy school focuses on the early socialization and basic training of puppies. The content may vary depending on the school and the trainer, but generally the following core topics and skills are taught:

1. Socialization

  • Introduces and interacts with other puppies to encourage social behavior.
  • Dealing with car trips
  • Getting used to different environments, sounds, and people.
  • Interacting with strangers to acclimate the puppy to vet visits and similar situations.

2. Basic Obedience Commands

  • "Sit"
  • "Down"
  • "Stay"
  • "Here" or "Come"
  • "Drop it" or "Leave it"

3. Leash Leadership

  • Getting used to the collar and leash.
  • Basics of walking on a loose leash without pulling.

4. Bite Inhibition

  • Your puppy will learn to be careful with his mouth and avoid unwanted bites.

5. Housebreaking

  • Techniques and tips for encouraging your puppy to do his business outside.

6. general behavior control

  • Reduce undesirable behaviors such as jumping, barking, or destruction.
  • Introduce calming behaviors and relaxation techniques.

7. Play and Work

  • Teach appropriate games and activities to keep the puppy mentally and physically active.

8. Recall Training

  • Recall basics to be able to safely and reliably recall the puppy.

9. Handling and Care

  • Accustom the puppy to touching, brushing, claw trimming, and other grooming.

10. Nutrition and Health Counseling

  • Nutrition and health advice: Nutrition, grooming, and general health tips for your puppy.

In addition to these core topics, some puppy schools offer special workshops or sessions on topics such as canine first aid, traveling with your puppy, or advanced training methods.

It is important to choose a puppy school that uses a positive, reward-based approach to training and whose instructors are qualified and experienced in working with puppies.

Each puppy and family is unique, and a good trainer will be able to provide individualized advice and support to meet specific needs.

Traditional Puppy School vs. Online Puppy School

Puppy Attentive

Of course, such costs are a deterrent for some dog owners. Many entrepreneurs know this as well. The solution: an online puppy school. An online puppy school offers courses. You can take them from home.

There is no personal dog trainer. Therefore, the online dog school can also keep the costs down. Of course there are pros and cons. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a traditional dog school and an online dog school? Here is a little comparison:

1. Classic Puppy School

In a traditional puppy school, there is usually a professional trainer. He will support you and intervene if something is not going well. This direct contact makes it easier for you to achieve your goals. You can apply what you learn faster and better.

The trainer is the deciding factor in the cost calculation. The classic puppy school is a little more expensive. You have direct access to someone there. Dogs are creatures that need time to adjust to a new environment.

In the beginning you will have to pay for lessons that do not bring you or your dog much. Once the puppy has settled in, the training begins. The classic puppy school usually provides you with all the tools and equipment you need for a training session.

So you do not have to prepare much. The Classic Dog School will take care of various preparations for you.

2. Online Puppy School

See also: Online dog training useful? (Our experience)

The advantage of an online puppy school is mainly the cost: The cost of an online puppy school is much lower due to several factors. In addition, this type of puppy school has a time advantage. With an online puppy school, you can plan the training sessions individually.

In addition, you save yourself the trouble of traveling back and forth. This has a time advantage as well as a financial advantage. You save a little money. The first training sessions of an online puppy school are also used immediately. The dog does not have to get used to a new environment. Because it is familiar.

PS: We have developed the Hundeo app, a very effective and inexpensive online dog school that you can use to teach your puppies the most important basics. You can download the app anytime free of charge.

The Benefits of an Online Puppy School:

The benefits of an online puppy school at a glance:

  • Lower costs
  • Free arrangement of training hours
  • Better compatibility with everyday life
  • No new environment for the puppy
  • No long travel times
  • Exercises can be internalized longer

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many benefits to sending your dog to puppy school. The most important is that your dog will have the opportunity to play with other puppies and improve his social skills.

The cost of puppy school varies greatly. It depends on your goals. The character of your dog also plays an important role. Most of the time the cost of a puppy school is calculated by the hour. However, there are also puppy schools that offer several hours at a time.

With an online dog school, the lessons and the dog trainer come virtually to your home. In principle, this is similar to on-site dog training. With an online dog school, you get various course content sent to your cell phone, laptop or similar. What you do with the information is up to you.

A significant advantage of online dog training is the low cost. Another advantage is that you can schedule the training sessions as you wish. You are not bound to fixed times or days. This allows you to better fit the training into your everyday life. 

With online dog schools, there is no instructor on site to interact directly with you and your dog. There are also no other dogs for your dog to socialize with.

Yes, but school provides a structured environment and social interaction.

My Conclusion

Puppy school is not only a place for learning, but also for socialization. It lays the foundation for a harmonious relationship between dog and owner.

The investment in good training pays off in a well-balanced and happy dog that is and remains a part of the family. So it is worth it!

Puppy training is important for your pet's well-being. It also helps your relationship in the long run. Dogs are pack animals. Therefore, consistent training is important. This is where puppy training comes in. Training should be consistent from the beginning.

Therefore, it is recommended that you attend puppy school. This is especially recommended if you have no experience with dogs.

Should you go to an online puppy school or would you rather go to a traditional puppy school? Now you know the pros and cons. We are curious about your experiences and look forward to hearing your opinion in the comments. 🙂

Picture of Verfasst von Anja Boecker
Written by Anja Boecker

My name is Anja Boecker, and I am a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant. With these articles, I want to help you to understand your dog better and to build an inseparable bond.

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  1. is it good to have a puppy school large and also very small and also fearful puppies play together in puppy class?

    1. HUNDEO editorial office

      Dear Irene, you can't make a general assessment. It depends on the situation. For the beginning, it would be advisable if overly anxious puppies are gradually trained or socialized in groups. In terms of size, there should also be some unity for the beginning.

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