Why Does My Dog Bite Me? (5 Causes)

Do you ever feel that your beloved furry friend is using his teeth a little too often and too eagerly? You are not alone! There is a solution for almost every biting problem. I'll show you why dogs bite and what you can do about it.

Dog growls
Table of Contents

Why Does My Dog Bite?

Dogs don't bite for no reason. Stress, fear, Pain or even the play instinct can lead to this. Understanding is the first step towards a solution.

Biting is first a natural instinct of the dog.

It is not primarily about attack or aggression. It is primarily about self-defense.

So dogs only bite when they feel threatened and have no other way out.

Unfortunately, this happens all too often with some dogs: they will bite if a stranger comes too close.

This is a big problem because the dog becomes a danger to others and is under constant stress. This can be very stressful for the owner as well.

Therefore, it is important to get him out of the biting habit as soon as possible.

Show your furry friend that in most cases their fear is unfounded. There are other ways to handle these situations.

In this article, you'll find some training approaches and what to look for if your dog is a quick biter.

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Causes of Aggressive Behavior


Biting is an important way for dogs to defend themselves against danger.

The biting reflex has evolved over the course of evolution. For the ancestors of our pets, it was essential for survival.

Dogs usually bite for only two reasons:

  1. They are attacked and they defend themselves.
  2. They are defending something that is important to them.

They show aggressive behavior when their food is threatened or their owner is attacked. So the goal of biting is to directly attack the threat and drive it away.

However, some furry friends will bite even when there is no obvious danger to humans. Often, owners do not even know what exactly is frightening their pet.

It is important to know that a dog never bites without a reason. There is always a reason, even if you can't see it at first glance.

Most of the time, you don't understand why your dog is biting. Especially when you are just shaking his hand. You don't mean to hurt him. You just want to calm him down or pet him.

But maybe he has had a bad experience. Maybe he associates stalling with something negative.

The goal of training your dog is to show him that his fear is unfounded. The bite reflex itself should not be trained away.

In certain situations it can be important for your dog. It is much more important to familiarize him with these situations.

Teach your pet other strategies for dealing with perceived threats. That way, he won't have to bite.

Other Reasons:

Bite the leash

Leash biting is often a sign of frustration or overstimulation. A good solution is to stop the walk and distract the dog with a sit or down exercise. Why do puppies bite the leash? Puppies often use their mouths to explore the world. This requires patience and consistent training.

My dog does not like something and bites

This indicates a dominance problem or stress. In such cases, professional help is often needed.

My dog just snaps at me

When your dog bites you, it can be for many reasons. It could be insecurity, pain, or an unclear hierarchy. If you analyze the situation carefully, you can find the cause. Sometimes it is excessive excitement or play that has gone too far. In this case, it is important to teach the dog to control his level of excitement.

Bite the paws

This may indicate an allergy, parasites, or stress. A visit to the veterinarian is recommended.

Dog bites when you try to take something out of its mouth

This can be resource defense. Trading games can help here.

Attention. Breed List / List Dog

Unfortunately, there are also dogs that are considered or suspected to be dangerous because of their breed. 

These are also known as fighting dogs. They are bred, trained and used explicitly for fighting.

The import of these breeds into Germany is prohibited. However, they are still being smuggled into Germany in various illegal ways. 

There are legal restrictions on keeping these dogs. However, the requirements vary from state to state.

These breeds include:

  • Alano
  • American Bulldog
  • (American) Pit Bull Terrier
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Bandog
  • Bullmastiff
  • Bull Terrier
  • Cane Corso/Cane Corso Italiano
  • Dobermann
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Dogue de Bordeaux
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Kangal
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  • Mastiff
  • Mastín Español
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Perro de Presa Canario
  • Perro de Presa Canario (Dogo Canario)
  • Perro de Presa Mallorquin
  • Rottweiler
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Tosa Inu
Breeds that are on the breed list, depending on the state, are usually required to undergo a temperament test. This includes crossbreeds of these breeds.

We would like to draw your attention to this fact:

When purchasing a dog, only deal with reputable dog dealers. Carefully consider which breed is right for you and your family.

Please remember that you are not just "buying" a dog. You are making a lifelong commitment to this dog. The well-being of your dog and your fellow humans is your responsibility.

Recognizing Aggression


Everyone knows that a dog is irritated when it growls, snaps, and bites. But by then it is usually already too late. 

By recognizing when your pet is tense, you can prevent biting.

Your pet does not become aggressive from one second to the next. He becomes more and more irritated by various factors. If he is in a threatening situation, he will bite. 

But even before that, his body language will show that he is uncomfortable.

Observe your dog carefully so you can learn to recognize incipient aggression early on. The signals he will give are stress related. 

When your dog is stressed, his heart rate will increase. Of course, you can't see this from the outside. Pay attention to his breathing at this time. If it is fast and shallow, your furry nose is irritated.

What many dog owners do not notice is the fixed gaze. The eyes are wide open and fixed on one point. Your dog appears to be frozen and shows no movement.

The whole body is also tense under stress. It hardly moves and appears rigid. In extreme cases, even the hair on the back stands up.

Fear or insecurity can also lead to aggression. Does your dog have its tail tucked between its legs? Or is it down? Then he is afraid.

Is he unable to cope with the situation? Or is he unconsciously putting more pressure on himself? This can have unwanted consequences.

If you notice these signs in your pet, be aware that he is under a lot of stress and irritability.

He is under a lot of stress and is irritable. If he is put in an uncomfortable situation, he may bite.

If you get too close and try to help him, he may misunderstand. This will only make him more irritated.

That's why you should keep your distance! Wait until your dog has calmed down again.

A dog that is uncomfortable and ready to bite will usually give a number of warning signals. These can vary depending on the dog's socialization and personality.

It is important to recognize these signals early and act accordingly to avoid unpleasant situations. Below are some of the most common warning signs, from the most subtle to the most obvious:

Warning Signals:

Warnsignale Beissen EN

1) First Signals

  • Avoid eye contact: The dog does not want conflict and turns the
      View off.
    • Lowered ears: The ears are laid-back or hanging down.
    • Tucked tail: The tail is tucked between the hind legs.
    • Trembling or panting: Signs of stress or anxiety.
    • Lick the muzzle: A short, often unnoticed lick can be a stress signal.

  • 2) Medium Signals

  • Turning away the head or the whole body: The dog tries to
      to distance themselves from the stressful situation.
    • Increased pulse or increased panting: Physical arousal increases.
    • Growl: A low sound as a warning that he is uncomfortable.
    • Fixed gaze: An intense, fixed gaze may precede aggression.

  • 3) Clear Signals

  • Show teeth: The dog bares its teeth to express its discontent.
    • Stiff posture: The whole body is tense.
    • Straightened rod: The tail is erect and may be curled.
    • Loud growling or snarling with a wow: A final warning before a possible bite.

  • 4) Final Stage

  • Snap: A short, quick bite, often without contact, as a final warning.
  • Bite: If all previous signals have been ignored, it may result in a
      actual bite come.

  • It is important to emphasize that not every dog will show all of these signals in this order. Some dogs will skip some of the more subtle signals and go straight to the more obvious ones, especially if they have learned in the past that their more subtle signals will be ignored.

    By carefully observing and respecting your dog's body language, you can avoid many conflicts and contribute to a safer and more harmonious relationship between you and your dog.

    5 Causes

    Dog growl

    Your dog is more likely to bite if he is irritated beforehand. There are several factors that promote aggressive behavior. Here are the most important ones:

    1. Stress

    When your dog is stressed, he reacts very strongly to small threats. This also means that he will bite more quickly. There are many things that can cause stress in your furry friend.

    So make sure he has as little stress as possible. Then he will probably stay calmer. Even in situations where he was aggressive before.

    2. Competition

    Is there another four-legged friend around? Then your pet will need to be even more alert. After all, he has to pay attention.

    The competitor should not come too close to its territory, food and owner. This can be very stressful and annoying for him.

    3. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

    It's hard on your dog when he can't make up his mind. Does he have to consider which alternative is better or how to solve a certain problem? Then he is under a lot of stress. When he gets into an uncomfortable situation, he can quickly become aggressive.

    4. Pain

    Pain is a constant source of stress for your dog. The problem is that many furry noses hide their pain. You can't tell by looking at him. Has your dog been acting more aggressive than usual lately? Think about whether it could be a medical condition.

    5. Wishes and Needs Not Met

    Your dog often has his own agenda and wants to do things he is not allowed to do.

    Can he take his food? Can he not play with the dog across the street? Or does he want to run faster than you when you go for a walk?

    This can be very frustrating for them.

    A healthy and relaxed dog will show less aggressive behavior than a stressed dog. With this knowledge, you can easily prevent aggression in your dog.

    Preventing Aggression

    Are you in the training phase and want to break your dog's biting habit? Then keep your pet out of difficult situations.

    If he feels uncomfortable and bites, the danger usually disappears. So he realizes that it works and does it again and again.

    But if he has not had to bite for a long time, he is much more likely to participate in the training. This gives him the opportunity to learn alternatives that also make the threat disappear.

    Observe what irritates your dog and in what situations he becomes aggressive. These situations should be avoided for the next few weeks. 

    Does your dog become aggressive around strangers? 

    Then, in the near future, he should only be confronted with other people in exceptional cases. This way he will not be stressed and he will not attack anyone.

    However, if a situation arises that irritates him, leave with him immediately and keep your distance. You should also leave him alone for the time being.

    It is also very helpful if he has a place to retreat to at home. This could be a dog bed or a separate room. 

    Your dog will then know that he will be undisturbed and can go there when he is stressed and needs to be left alone. This will teach him that it is much better to avoid difficult situations.

    When walking, keep him on a leash and keep the leash short. That way you can control where you go. In an emergency, you can quickly remove him from the things that make him aggressive.

    A muzzle should only be used in difficult cases. For example, when contact with other people is unavoidable. This will prevent a bite, but your dog will still be aggressive.

    If your dog is already a little irritable, do not scare him. Approach him gently.

    You can also distract him by asking him to do familiar things. These could be commands that he has mastered.

    Your dog will also calm down more quickly if you evoke positive feelings in him. Then pet him or rattle the food bag.

    Training Tips

    Give paw
    • Identify the cause: Why did the dog bite?
    • Professional Help: A behaviorist can provide valuable guidance.
    • Training: An individualized training plan is required.
    • Consistency: Regular training is essential.
    • Observation: Keep an eye on behavioral changes.
    • Customization: Adjust your training schedule as needed.
    • Positive reinforcement: Reward good behavior.

    Above all, show your protégé that his aggressive behavior will not lead to success. He should use other strategies. The best option is to walk away.

    You should also make it clear to him that there are situations that are not dangerous for him.

    So reward him when he stays calm in certain situations. Does he usually find people threatening?

    Is he around a stranger and has not yet shown aggressive behavior? Then he has earned a treat.

    Take him a few steps away from the "threat" and reward him there.

    This will also make him realize that he can leave the situation at any time. If he leaves on his own the next time, you should reward him as well.

    Never overload your dog with this training. If he feels threatened and becomes aggressive, you will have to start all over again.

    Therefore, do not put him around people who are quick to react. If your pet senses the tension of others, he will be irritated himself.

    Your furry friend will need time to adjust to the new behavior. So practice with him step by step, even if it takes a little longer.

    It can be helpful to do these exercises in everyday life as well. After all, he needs to react correctly in these situations.

    However, your dog should not be exposed to distractions at first. Find quiet places that will not overwhelm him.

    Many dog owners try to get their dogs used to people by luring them with food. But this can have the opposite effect.

    Because now he is faced with the conflict of whether to put himself in a threatening situation for a treat.

    This stresses him even more. He should be shown that if he feels uncomfortable, he should just walk away.

    So if someone tries to give him a strange food, throw it a few feet away. This will teach your dog that he will be rewarded for staying away.

    Use these tips consistently and practice them over and over again with your pet. He will quickly learn an alternative to biting.

    The next time he finds a situation threatening, he doesn't become aggressive. He simply walks away.

    If he gets too angry and starts growling, do not scold him. Your dog has done nothing wrong. On the contrary, he is showing that he feels threatened and is giving a warning signal.

    Scolding and punishment would stress him too much. In the worst case, he will skip the growl and bite the next time.

    So make sure that such situations do not occur in the first place.

    And if your dog does get angry, just take a few steps away. This will quickly teach him that distance is more useful than aggression.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    There is always a reason why a dog will bite. Usually a dog feels threatened and wants to defend itself by biting. Unfortunately, people cannot always tell when a dog is feeling unsafe or threatened.

    The injured party may file a criminal complaint and is usually entitled to compensation for pain and suffering. In addition, the dog may be subjected to a temperament test and, depending on the results, may be required to wear a muzzle. The legal consequences can be severe. From fines to confiscation of the dog, anything is possible.

    It depends on how hard the dog bit. If the wound is superficial, it will usually heal without complications. Deeper wounds can easily become infected and require medical attention.

    Aggressive behavior can be caused by many things. Most often it is stress. But your dog may also be in pain from an illness and be aggressive as a result. Because dogs like to hide pain, it can be difficult for you to understand their behavior.

    Keep your distance and give your dog space and time to calm down. Avoid situations that make your dog anxious and praise him when he is relaxed in stressful situations.

    My Conclusion

    Biting is a natural dog behavior. They bite to protect themselves from a threat.

    Unfortunately, many dogs perceive even harmless situations as threatening. They become aggressive. This happens especially when they are under stress.

    Recognize early signs of stress in your dog. This can help prevent aggressive behavior.

    Keep these 3 points in mind:

    • Your dog is tense and stiff
    • Breathing fast and shallow
    • He stares with wide eyes at a certain point

    Be careful. Then get him out of the situation as quickly as possible and let him do his usual things. Avoid stressful situations.

    There will be fewer setbacks. Your dog will learn the new conflict resolution strategies much faster.

    Show him that if he feels threatened, he can just back off.

    Reward him when he takes a few steps away from the "danger" without becoming aggressive. After a while, he will do this more and more often without biting.

    Picture of Verfasst von Anja Boecker
    Written by Anja Boecker

    My name is Anja Boecker, and I am a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant. With these articles, I want to help you to understand your dog better and to build an inseparable bond.

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    1. Our Irish Setter can react very aggressively when he is lying (e.g. on the couch or on the floor) and sleeping. If one of us then strokes him, he growls or as just happened, snaps. Is this frightening or danger for him?

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Ingrid, I would not interpret it directly as fright or danger. It looks more like he doesn't want to be disturbed during his rest and shows this first with a growl. The growl means in good German "please leave me alone, I want to chill now." Some dogs like to be petted during their rest and some don't. It probably looks like your dog belongs more to the latter category. Therefore, it may happen that he snaps because his warning by growling was not respected or perceived. However, if your dog is also snapping in other areas, it would be advisable to seek advice from a specialist in the area (animal behavior therapy or psychology, trainer, etc.).

    2. Hi there,
      we have the problem that our Pomerania (1,5years), bites my fingers if a piece falls down while giving treats and I reach to pick it up.
      If he eats it out of my hand, then everything is okay.
      But if he gets it in his basket and it falls down and I grab it, it's over.
      Otherwise, he's quite a sweet guy, but that's where the friendship ends.
      What can I do?
      So he is guaranteed not to be in pain, he actually only bites in this situation and there is no growling or staring either.
      LG Maren

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Maren, many dogs do not like it when you "take away their food". They can react aggressively to this, regardless of whether their mistress is only trying to pick up the piece that has fallen on the floor. The solution would be to train or change this behavior pattern with a trainer. Another possibility would be to leave the piece on the floor or in the basket and take it away when your dog is busy with something else.

    3. Thank you for the really very interesting and well described article. Our dog (Boxer, 3 years) reacts to the one or the other male dog, we then turn around if I notice it early, if not we go straight past (so our dog to the averted side, I stay in between, everything goes well, there's praise and treats) with some dogs, however, he shows aggressive behavior and wants to go, especially if the other already fixes him or barks. Since he does not come there, he directs his aggressiveness, probably out of frustration against me and bites me - he then does not react at all is not responsive. Otherwise he would probably bite the dog ????. I have to say that we have a very sensitive, rather stressed dog, but he is rather aloof and basically does not avoid any threatening situation if I do not manage it immediately.
      But maybe my behavior is the trigger?
      What do you think to get this under control, is our regular trainer session enough or should we bring in an animal psychologist?

      Thanks and greetings

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Luise, the situation is certainly very unpleasant and can worry everyone involved, which in turn triggers your boxer's aggression. It may well be that your Boxer senses your inner rising "panic" very early in these situations and interprets this signal as "My mistress is sending out danger signals, she or we are in danger". This mobilizes his protective instinct, which shows itself through barking, aggression, attack. Many other factors can also be involved. In order to better observe and determine these, expert assistance on site would certainly be very helpful. In most cases a trainer is already sufficient. However, if it is not possible to "train out" this behavior with a usual training, it is advisable to either bring a behavior therapist on board or to work with a trainer who has experience with such situations. Best regards, your Hundeo team.

    4. Hello, we have the problem with our Mini Bulli (5 months) that he does not let the snapping be. After he has eaten he attacks everyone and also bites. Without that one would want to touch him. It is enough to sit at the table and he just comes and bites e.g. in the leg. He just doesn't want to accept an end to the snapping! We have already tried everything and no idea more.

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hello Fabi, in such cases it is recommended that you contact an expert person on site (e.g. behavior therapist or trainer with experience in aggression). We wish you good luck and success in solving your problem. Your Hundeo team

    5. Hello, our dog, a mixed breed of Entlebucher Mountain Dog and German Shepherd, 3 years old, nipped the letter carrier on our property. The dog came running out of the house when the letter carrier was on the property. I immediately called him off and the dog also immediately ran to his corner. What can we do to prevent this from happening again? Should I ask the letter carrier to give the dog a treat when the dog is sitting next to me and the letter carrier?

    6. I have a German Shepherd (1,4years old). He bites at once for no reason. He bit my daughter. Without a reason. She always caresses him, loves him very much. What can be the reason?

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hello Thushy, unfortunately this can have different reasons, which we can not judge without knowing the details. Therefore, we would recommend you to take support from an expert person who can also look at your dog's behavior in more detail on site - e.g. dog trainer*in, behavior therapist*in. Surely your vet can recommend someone as well. Best regards - Your Hundeo Team

    7. Hello together

      We are a family of 5 and have an Australian Shepard. He is 4 years old and he applies everything with us. We can do everything with him, he is very very good-natured. But unfortunately we have the problem that he is very sensitive to outsiders. We can't judge him well, so it can be that something doesn't suit him. When he was younger we had the problem on vacation that we could not sit anywhere in a coffee. He always lies under the table, but when a waiter comes he growls and rushes out from under the table. When Corona came he bit our great-grandfather because he approached our daughter from behind and grabbed her on the shoulder. Unfortunately, neither of us were there with him. Dan was actually two years no incident and we had the feeling that we have in the handle. Of course, we always took good care not to get into such a situation. Except for this week. Since our daughter tested positive for Corona we are all at home and my in-laws are taking him for a run. Unfortunately, it happened the second time today that he just bit a woman in the arm while walking by. Fortunately, both had a thick jacket on. What can we do differently? How so he does that?
      Thank you for your feedback.

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Bea, thank you very much for your contribution. This must be a very difficult situation for you. In the case of aggression situations or an "overdeveloped" protective instinct that has already reached proportions where passers-by or family members are bitten "for no reason", a trainer with expert experience in the field of behavior therapy should be called in urgently. Until your four-legged friend has overcome this problem with the help of an appropriate support by an expert person, it would be advisable if your dog wears a muzzle when walking. The animal protection in your area or your veterinarian can certainly help you with the mediation. Kind regards

    8. Hello, I also have problems with my 5 year old bitch. I got her directly from the transporter from Romania with about 4 months. She was already very fearful and demanding as a puppy. I never knew if she would bite because of her fear - which fortunately never happened. At home she is used to visitors and is not conspicuous (but you still have to keep an eye on her). In the family she is loyal to all of us and the dearest dog. But outdoors, when going for a walk, it is a challenge every time. Encounters with other dogs is always an aggressive behavior on her part. A clanking chain often helps to get her out of the stressful situation. Without this chain she has already bitten me twice in the leg and our second dog (16 months) also several times. It stresses me very much to avoid encounters with dogs or is not always possible. Also playing together with other dogs is not possible. The young dog is always with me. For a tip I would be very grateful.

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Elisabeth, in such extreme situations with a quite traumatized past, it is better if you consult an animal psychologist near you.

    9. We have a rough-coated dachshund who is our everything. He is now almost 15 years, showing the first signs of dementia, but until a few months ago everything was ok.
      Now all of a sudden he doesn't accept my husband as the pack leader anymore, growls at him when he just walks past him and has also bitten 3 times (1 time really bad). We now refrain from everything that gives him the feeling that he is on a higher level than his master (e.g. lying on the couch or on my lap), punish him when he growls and reward him when he stays calm. Also, on the advice of our vet, he is now getting hash cookies, but there is no improvement.
      I am already afraid to leave the house and leave my husband alone with the dog,

      Does anyone have any more tips for me? I am grateful for any advice, because it can not go on like this.

    10. Hello.
      We have a problem with our 9-month-old shepherd mix dog. She is constantly barking at the neighbors, so we already feel bad when she aggressively "flies" to the fence. While walking, she really barks at EVERYONE, including other animals. She is then really aggressive and can only be restrained with effort, although most people do not pay attention to her at all, sometimes they do not even approach her, but are turned away from her. Three times it has already happened that she has pinched acquaintances of us, yesterday it was even so that one of them has bled at the knee. He rode his bike into the garden and she sprinted off without warning and attacked him. We don't know what to do. We have now called in our dog trainer and also have our first "one on one" training tomorrow. But I would still like to know if it is at all possible to get rid of this behavior or if we have to live forever with an aggressive dog, because it really costs us a lot of strength and nerves and we feel partly also no longer comfortable in our circle of acquaintances and have the feeling that we are rather avoided ...
      Is there hope that we can get the behavior away with targeted training or is it a hopeless endeavor and she will always be "difficult"?

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Jasmina, the shepherd dog belongs to the group of herding and driving dogs. Therefore, at the age of 9 months, it is perfectly normal for your dog to bark at passers-by or neighbors, as she instinctively tries to protect her space and the loved ones in it. She is also at an age where she is testing her limits. However, this behavior should be discouraged or redirected in a healthy direction with appropriate measures, for which you have already taken the first right step with one-on-one training. Therefore, you do not need to worry about this behavior persisting. With consistent training and the support of a professional, your dog will certainly become calmer.

    11. Hello, we had the following situation:
      BBQ at the neighbor on the roof terrace. Our Charly (about 1, 5 years old and neutered Chihuahua) knew the neighbor and was also already 2-3x on the terrace. He is the second dog, Canela is 5 years old and also a Chihuahua.
      To the BBQ appeared another 2 people who did not know our two dogs. Canela took it as always very relaxed. Charly, however, was quite excited and barked at the 2 people again and again. After a while this gave itself. Charly relaxed, stayed with Canela, slept on my lap. From the BBQ both dogs got something (handed by one of the two strangers). Then when the woman cleared the table, turned away to leave the patio, Charly ran after her and bit her calf so hard there was a big bruise and the calf swelled up. Less than an hour later, Charly also bit the man in the calf when he turned around.
      We have noticed that Charly often attacks other dogs from behind and bites their testicles. He consistently avoids other small dogs. When we meet acquaintances on the street, Charly sits quietly next to them, but as soon as we leave, he runs after the stranger and tries to grab his leg.
      We have now resorted to a muzzle to prevent more people from being harmed. The question now is why is he always so sneaky?
      What is the best way to start?

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Katja, a muzzle is a good measure. Certainly not pleasant for Charly. With such behavior patterns, it is always advisable to contact a specialist on site, such as a trainer or behavior therapist, who would also have the opportunity to observe Charlie's living environment and his patterns more closely on site.

        I would not necessarily define his behavior as "sneaky". I would rather guess that he feels threatened by himself or his circle all the time. Even if it seems that he has calmed down in the meantime. The moment the person he perceives as threatening turns his back on him, he reacts and bites.

        Certainly, you also feel a certain hecticness and fear with every confrontation that he will strike again. This can also create a vicious circle, so that Charly misinterprets your hecticness or fear, which you radiate in the moments, and perceives it as a threat that comes directly from the acquaintances or strangers. The same applies to encounters with large dogs. Thus, his protective instinct is triggered and he reacts but only after these people or large dogs have passed him.

    12. Mrs. Pascale Rodius

      Hello dear Mrs. Mine.
      We have a 6.5 year old Havapoo. We got him as a puppy. He was the smallest of 5.
      The problem we have now lasts 2-3 years but he is developing more and more into Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Means: he is so extremely affectionate, likes to cuddle, is happy as a fool if we are only 2 hours out of the house and came back. You can take away his food as an example. He does nothing.
      When we take him with us, he acts like a pure "charmer". So we know this side also from our previous dogs.
      So now the "devil's side": He becomes more and more aggressive! He growls extremely, really shows his teeth and then snaps situationally after everyone here in the household who just wants to do what does not suit him.
      As examples:
      - you go with him somewhere in the car (dog box) takes him on arrival. No problem, he jumps towards me because he wants to go with me. I drive back home. He is already happy when we drive into the garage. Now I want to take him out of the box again. Then he sits down and growls at me. I insist that I only want to take him out of the box, lift him up. And already he shows teeth like a wolf! He knows that if I put him on the floor that he jumps up because he gets treats from my mother.
      - another brief example: I have to administer eye drops to him. Since I can't sit on my knees, I put him on a chair. He stands completely relaxed in the kitchen. I pick him up (with advance notice!) So what happens: he snaps at me and would also bite! If he sits on the chair, I have to immediately have the right grip to hold his muzzle shut to put the drops in his eyes. He knows the procedure from the FF and the drops do not hurt.
      Conclusion: He is becoming more and more aggressive and biting.
      I really don't know what else to do. I talk to him soothingly in every situation, stroke him and praise him when he was not aggressive. But nothing helps. I am in despair. I would take a coach but we live in Luxembourg and I don't know any dogcoach who is good.
      What should I do? Thanks for any help or tip!

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hello Mrs. Rodius, thank you very much for the effort you have made to describe the situation to us. Surely there are expert dog trainers* in Luxembourg who can provide you with local support, which I think would be more useful and effective. A contact point would be for example your veterinarian. Possibly your vet can recommend someone to you.

    13. Hello,

      You write: "(...)Your darling does not become aggressive from one second to another. He gets more and more irritated by different factors. If he is then in a threatening situation, he also bites. (...)".

      I can't really agree with that. We have an animal welfare dog (German shepherd) from "bad" attitude. If a cell phone hums, e.g. in the fensehfilm o.ä. he jumps up, races the stairs up and VERSTECKT itself formally in the bathtub. Another Besipiel, I would like to buy me a new trouser belt, take off the old to measure the length, the shepherd behind me throws himself screaming on the floor. What must have elebt the before? We have him now 5 years, have to lock him away from every stranger, but even us he makes - apparently without cause suddenly on - .

      My son was visiting, the dog seems to like him incredibly, comes imm,er again, can be stroked cuddles. My son says goodbye wants against, the dog presses as if to say goodbye to him again, son tries to stroke, suddenly all hell breaks loose. Showing teeth, malicious, aggressive approach and snap in the arm.

      He does this kind of thing alternately with me or my wife. I have always had German Shepherds for over 50 years, NEVER one like this. This sudden "for us" unprovoked aggressiveness irritates and concerns us. I did not know biting incidents and such aggressions before. Yes, he becomes aggressive from one side to the other. SORRY. Normally he climbs on my lap, licks me, I can actually do everything with him, and then this changes as I said suddenly and unexpectedly. We don't really know what to do anymore. However, I don't want to put this guy down either, but I can't deny the danger either. I really like him...

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hi Peter, unfortunately most shelter dogs have quite a sad and dismal history. The problem with shelter dogs is that you don't know exactly what factors trigger you so that they exhibit behavioral problems. Judging from your descriptions, he was probably abused with a belt. Probably the cell phone ringing is related to that or a door. Animals, but also humans, can be reminded of past experiences by secondary factors, because in these experiences not only the experience itself, but also indirect factors such as a cell phone ringing are stored. In such cases, an animal may react fearfully by, for example, hiding or attacking or becoming aggressive, or even both. I would strongly advise you to contact an expert person in the field of dog training or behavior therapy, so that your darling does not have to experience this dilemma again and again.

    14. My Susi, 8 years, a Maltese Bichon is a very affectionate kl. dog. Brought him 5weeks old from Spain should be euthanized. Our problem comes with. DOG DEFENSE. She is just snapping. There was One who dealt with her well by raising her voice. Unfortunately, the woman no longer does anything. We were now already at 5 hairdresser and had to go taught again, she resists at devil come out, so that even a muzzle is of no use. Maybe we should give her a tranquilizer? What do you think. The fur is getting longer.

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hello, a tranquilizer tablet should be the last alternative and only under consultation of a veterinarian. The best alternative would be to visit a local dog school or animal psychologist. Reconditioning would be very difficult otherwise.

    15. Hello
      We have since almost 3 years a New English Bulldog.from not quite good attitude ..siblings dogs also conspicuous ..He will be in the beginning of 2023 5j alt.
      Cooper was 2j.alt when we got him there he had the previous owner already tried to attack the son ..with us he was until half a year ago dear u inconspicuous ... since just 1/2j. He goes against everyone u allem also my children so that only a daughter and I can lead him ..There is no visit nothing more with us ...immediately he becomes aggressive ...what can I do to rehabilitate him again ...blood test were made everything okay..maybe you know an advice lg ..Moni

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hi Moni, this is certainly a very difficult situation for all of you. In such cases, a personal dog trainer with the involvement of a local animal psychologist, who has experience with aggressive dogs from poor husbandry, is probably the best solution. Contact points that may be able to recommend someone to you would be your veterinarian or also the animal welfare in your area.

    16. Steffen Richter

      Hello we have since 3 weeks an 8 year old Yorki from the animal shelter, since 3 days I am not allowed to approach my wife.
      He immediately goes after me and starts to bite. (he is neutered) During the day I am alone with him at home, everything is fine.

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hello, to reduce the risk of biting incidents, you might try the following:

        1. Train your dog the basic commands such as "sit", "down", "stay" and "come". This will allow you to better control your dog and show him when to stay calm.

        2. Avoid aggressive actions. This may cause your dog to be afraid of you and possibly fight back.
        3. Learn to read body language. If your dog shows signs of fear or aggression, you should end the situation as soon as possible and calm your dog down.

        4. Seek professional help. If you feel that your dog has a serious problem that you cannot solve on your own. Seek assistance from an experienced local dog trainer or behavior consultant who would also have the ability to observe your dog in certain situations to better decipher his behavior pattern.

    17. Good day
      My parents have a Yorkshire mix that we got from a lady 6 years ago.
      It is getting worse and worse with his behavior he barks at cars driving by, trucks, cyclists, dogs coming towards him. My parents go now always so after clock show where they think that no dog comes towards them. Yesterday my mother a butter lid fell to the ground Anton has cleaned up in front of her and bit and bad teeth flashed. I live far away and can not always be there.
      Please ask for advice here.
      Love greetings
      We love Anton and want to help him

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Karina, as it looks, it would be very advisable in Anton's case, if you consult a professional support on site. Please contact a dog school in your area.

    18. My Lucky (2 years) was before he came to me half a year on the chain had not enough food and sometimes no water. He is a very sweet and relaxed dog, however, he sometimes nips people who come to visit us, which makes me uncomfortable he does not bite properly. He gets along well with my other four dogs but is pretty far down the rankings.

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        For dogs with a difficult or traumatized past, it is more advisable to seek professional help on the spot, e.g. dog trainer, behavior therapist. Surely your veterinarian can recommend a place near you.

    19. Hello, our 2-year-old male Hovawart bites every now and then, quite violently even!
      This happens for example when he spits out a piece of wood and then master steps on it and immediately without warning or growling he bites so hard that the wounds on the arm had to be stitched. We are desperate because this happens again and again. Can we still break him of this behavior or do we have to part with him? He has no bad previous experiences, he came to us as a puppy.

      1. Enrico from Hundeo

        It is important to take this behavior seriously and act quickly. You should contact a professional dog trainer or behavior specialist who can assess your dog's behavior and help you develop an appropriate training strategy. This can be a process, but with patience and consistent work, many behavior problems can be solved.

        A few tips for the meantime:
        - Avoid situations where biting might occur. If playing with pieces of wood leads to biting, try to avoid this game.
        - Reward good behavior. When your dog handles a situation without aggression, praise him and give him a treat.
        - Practice the "off" command. Start with less valuable items and slowly increase the challenge.

    20. Hello,
      we have a 3 year old Maltese. In the mornings the dog is with my parents (my husband and I are working). Since about 8 weeks he shows a complete change of behavior (before he let himself be picked up normally without ifs and buts). When we want to pick him up around noon, he hides behind my mom growls, bares his teeth and shows aggressive behavior towards us and doesn't want to go with us. We never know if we should force him to go with us or if we should just leave him alone. We are at a loss in the meantime. Maybe someone has some good advice...

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hello, aggressive behavior is always worrisome and should be taken seriously. Please check first what has changed in the last 8 weeks in his environment, i.e. at your home and at your parents, which could influence his behavior: e.g. new people, animals, noises or changes in the household could lead to stress or fear, which can also trigger aggressive behavior.
        If you have picked him up at the door so far, it might be a good idea to act as if you were visiting your parents. Go to your parents' apartment and have a relaxed small talk with them in a place where your parents like to be during the day when they have a coffee, e.g. kitchen or living room. Sit down while doing this, stay calm so that your dog can calm down as well.
        If possible, avoid forcing your dog to go with you, as this can reinforce his behavior. You can reinforce the small talk with a few treats to let him know that everything is okay. With a little luck, he might be more willing to go with you.
        If these measures do not help, it would be advisable if you ask an experienced behavior consultant on site for advice, who would also have with it the possibility to observe the behavior of your dog as well as the involved parties more closely.

    21. Hello, my dog is 8 years old, she is a pit bull/labrador mix. My sister moved into our house a few months ago and she is pregnant, out of the blue my dog bit her when she tried to hug her while she was on the couch, she has never been aggressive towards anyone. I am very confused and worried because eventually there will be a baby in the house. What can I do?

      1. Enrico from Hundeo

        Hi Janet, first a visit to the vet would be good to rule out any health problems. After that, you can start with simple commands like "sit" and "stay". Remember to give your dog a quiet place to retreat to when things are busy. To get your dog used to the baby, you can play baby noises for him and let him sniff baby things. If the aggressive behavior continues or you're not sure, it's a good idea to seek professional help from a local dog trainer.

    22. Hello, we have a 2 1/2 year old Person Russell Terrier. He suddenly showed increasingly aggressive behavior towards strangers when he was just over a year old. Even in restaurants he suddenly started attacking the waiter and anything that came near him. He now even growls at my husband and keeps biting if he approaches him at the wrong time. It usually gets difficult when we are together as a pack indoors. He definitely doesn't like to be touched when he is calmly going down and this has to be respected otherwise he reacts impulsively and bites.
      We went to dog training and had dog trainers at home, without any lasting success. Our little Ivo is actually a great guy, but something has gone wrong. We want him to have a good time with us and we really love him, but it can't go on like this.
      Why can't he let other people get close to him? Why does he behave like this towards my husband? It makes me so sad.

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Hi Tina, we're sorry to hear that you're having a difficult time with your terrier's behavior. Your terrier's aggressive behavior can be caused by various factors such as fear, insecurity, territorial behavior, dominance issues, pain or health problems. A visit to the vet is therefore important to rule out any health problems. In addition, you should continue to see an experienced behavior consultant who specializes in this type of dog behavior problem. Training, positive reinforcement, clear rules and guidance are crucial to improving behavior. Be patient, consistent and avoid punishments to build your dog's confidence.

    23. Renata Schachovzeff-Schellenberg

      Hello, after reading everything with excitement, I'll give it a try here too.
      I have a now 7 month old Maltese who is healthy, leaches vet; but she is teething and looking for hard things to bite everywhere; she has plenty of teething toys and other things; and our Kolja is a very sweet little girl.
      I'm a mom, so to speak, because she was placed in my arms when she was 4 months old (like Lorenz with his geese) and a friend of ours was there, so she's the dad....but I also have a husband with whom she gets on well too.
      After going for a walk, both with me and with her boyfriend, Kolja starts biting; however, I don't have the impression that this is aggression, but that she wants to play and doesn't want her boyfriend to go away. I also have the impression that she wants to try out how far she can go with the snapping. I know a bit about behavioral theory (psychology studies).
      But I am not sure whether I have observed correctly or interpreted Kolja's behavior correctly. Kolja is not fearful, but she often hides from strangers on the street and does not bite strangers.
      Am I doing something wrong, is my interpretation that this is playful biting correct?
      Best regards

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Rentata, the biting after the walk seems to be more playful, to attract attention or to prevent your friend from leaving. It could also be that Kolja is trying out how far she can go with the biting, which is typical for this age.

        Nevertheless, it is important to give clear signals before the biting becomes too intense. It is positive that the biting does not appear aggressive. Continue to observe her body language and react appropriately, e.g. with a clear no and then turn away from her.

        In the event of uncertainty or persistent behavior, it may be helpful to consult a behavior consultant or dog trainer.

    24. Good day
      Two days ago we got a little Xolo Itzquintle from Germany (we live in Switzerland). Our dog is about 1 year old and when it happened he was sleeping on my 8 year old sister and she was petting him. Everything was peaceful and suddenly he opened his eyes and bit her near the eye. We don't know what to do because my little sister is now terrified and if he carries on like this we will have to give him away. We think it happened because he was very spoiled by his previous owner. What can we do?

      1. Mine from Hundeo

        Dear Neela, we are sorry to hear that there has been an untoward incident. As an outsider, it is unfortunately difficult to give advice when not all the facts are known. However, we hope that the following tips will help you: 1. First, make sure your dog is healthy by visiting a vet. Sometimes pain or health problems can lead to unusual behavior. 2. As this is a serious incident, you should definitely consult a professional dog trainer or behavioral therapist in your area. 3. In the meantime, it would be advisable for your dog and sister to be separated or for your dog to be on a lead when they are together to minimize any potential risks. We wish you all the best!

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